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Wtf?? Why isn't this happening on AEW programming, what a waste

>washed up Marifuji vs Fattie "burger kings road" Cringston
wow what a "dream match"

>Literal who vs Fat shitter

Hard hitting offense and creativy vs oh nvm

kingston fucking sucks

Why don't the japs simply lariat Burger Kingston(e)'s head off? I thought they were made of sterner stuff

who is Noah

I'd have paid to see this in 2007

why can't Eddie leave puro alone?

>h-house of glory holes?

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This shitter will latch onto ANY Japanese talent like a parasite.

Holy shit what a waste of Maru

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it doesn't help that the promoter for Noah and DDT will gladly give in to Eddie's puro larp fantasy for internet attention and streaming subscriptions

I can vouch for HoG. There shows are miles above a GCW shitfest.

>dream match
>wildest dreams
this shit needs to stop coming from bookers

there's only one man who could do it every other japanese talent is way too polite and naive

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Based I would watch Nakajima tear through indie shitters

>>Literal who
Fucking gaijens, I swear.

this guy got punked out by a boomer in diapers. his hand was shaking. dude looked like he wanted to cry lmao

more like the boomer started blaming him for the ddt champ having a glass jaw and made the situation worse by breaking kayfabe goes to show what happens when you larp as a pillar

man once you see nakajima or kenoh do their strikes you dont ever wanna see anyone else even try