What's your opinion on kettlebells?

I'm buying a 32kg kettlebell and I'm interested in:
- Your overall opinion on kettlebells
- Tips and advice on training with kettlebells
- Best exercises to become stronger and getting impressive physique
- How often should I workout with kettlebell

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I like them.
My advice is to learn more than just the kettlebell swing. Watch people's different kettlebell routines. Chandler Marchman has a lot of videos and gets creative with how to use a kettlebell.

The Strong and impressive physique is a tough one because I think it's easier to use barbells to build an awesome physique.

You should do 1 x kettlebell circuit a day and have 4 x major workouts a week if you aren't doing anything else.

>overall opinion
I like mine.
If you're doing getups and have bony fucking wrists like I do then wrap a towel or something around your wrist to help with the pressure of the weight. I only needed them for about a month but it helped to get started.
>best exercises
I'm still a newbie scrub but if you've got a kettlebell then you should be doing swings.
>how often
4-5 days a week. It's like any other program; work days are dictated by your exercise routine
>random tip
Bad form will fuck you up so don't start too heavy. If you've been living the gamer life like me then 16kg will be plenty enough to start.

Enter The Kettlebell by Pavel Tastouline has good info in it if you can get over the silly commie soldier gimmick.

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It's okay
Not the greatest thing since sliced bread
Not a completely worthless gimmick
It's fine
Recommend looking into Dan John's work

It's great for athleticism but not for hypertrophy

>Your overall opinion on kettlebells
bretty gud
combine with barbells and bodyweight and you would likely be ready for any combat/impact sport like wrestling and football, aside from the sport specifcs like technique or throwing/catching

>Tips and advice on training with kettlebells
dont try to make your own plan, go with someone elses - this goes for all training, not just kbs
as dan john says:
>do it, THEN make it better
im about to start "dry fighting weight" by geoff nupert

>Best exercises to become stronger and getting impressive physique
>double clean and press (clean with each press)
>double front squats or goblet squats
>HEAVY (48kg minimum) STRAPPED, one arm swings - lots of glutes and back
>2hand swings

>How often should I workout with kettlebell
however often the program you (should) follow calls for

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Are heavy Turkish get ups just a meme?

turkish get ups are always a meme

They're useful in grappling sports, you could probably get the same cross body unilateral core strength doing heavy club or mace work.

Unfortunately, They don’t sell maces or heavy clubs where I live

make your own

Any tutorials?

Ngl every time I see someone using one I think they are a tryhard gimmicky bitch boy.

Haven't made one myself so idk, I think you could just get a heavy metal rod perhaps?
I think there was an user here that had like 10 different-sized maces for his workouts lol.

If you're going to use kettlebells properly, grow and olde-timey moustache.

just substitute a sledgehammer for a mace and you're good to go

ah yeah haven't thought of that
just make sure whatever you have at the end is properly secured so that it doesn't go off flying while you're swinging around

I'm that user. A sledgehammer is perfectly acceptable for 90% of anons. If you want to up the difficulty, take a thick resistance band, the kind you'd use for banded deadlift work, and wrap it around the head. (this has the side effect of making an accidental impact safer). You don't need a lot of weight at that lever arm, so even the ~1lb/0.5kg will increase the difficulty quite a bit. Mark Wildman and The Flowing Dutchman are interesting channels about that subject.
There's instructions on how to make heavier ones called gadas from concrete, but the risk to reward ratio is too high for the average dude who just wants to do some rotational work. Sledgehammers are fine.

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Any of you had luck flying with a kettlebell? I'm taking a week long trip and a KB would be the most compact way to stay fit, but I dunno how TSA feels about taking a 24kg handheld cannonball onto an airplane.

I don't think it would be allowed carryon for safety reasons. I know of some people who check them in as luggage but it might get pricy.
There's a number of water filled slosh bags and Bulgarian bags, the hydrocore is one. Those can usually be loaded up to ~35lb/16kg with water but totally deflated for travel. That's what I use on business trips.

How much should they cost?

That's too heavy to start out dude
You'll end up only doing a few reps and not get the benefit of kettlebells

ive been doing 2 handed swings with a 45lbs kettlebell for 15 mins EMOM, rest for 5 mins, then one handed swings with a 35lbs for another 15mins EMOM

its kind of like my cardio because i hate running, but what is this even called? interval cardio..? i dont think its HIIT

You should also get another one once you get stronger with the swings, goblet squats and halos so you can do alternating clean to press etc. Towel curls and towel one handed deadlifts with rolling thunder style twist is pretty good for arm development.

Resistance cardio.

1-2lbs per $

Gimmick and overpriced.
It's hard to find them over 25lbs in physical stores too.

what opinion should i have?
what opinion should i have about air, land, the ocean?
they're a tool if you wish to use it use it. what should i say to you

kek what's a gimmick about them?? it's a ball of metal with a handle. probably the most anti-gimmick thing that exists on the planet today.

Anyone not using ONNIT brand Primal Bells is a poser and a faggot.

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Anyone using that is a consoomer faggot.

Weight is weight, chimp-ass-bitch.

Do it. Put it in your backpack and don't say anything.

i use kettlebells but the exercises do look like memes to people who havent tried them. you can use them the same as dumbbells though, theyre literally the original dumbbell

Not really, the kettlebell pulls the weight more down than stabilizes at the sides so you really have to use your core a lot more and more of a twist and thrust.

they're completley diffrent from a dubmell, which you can tell by looking at a dumbell and a kettlebell side by side, because the weight distribution is different, yes?
they'ren ot the original dumbell, but the other way around. the dumbell is a bodybuilding-specific innovation on the kettlebel, which should also answer a lot of question sabout people that are interested in hypertrophy: certainly it's dumbells for specific work
the exercises are not memes, any more than typical human movements are a meme. w e jump, lift things, etc., and you are just doing that with a tool, in, the most efficient way

i meant you can do the same general types of exercises with kettlebells that you can do with dumbbells. they hit muscles differently yea but i really dont think it matters that much

>overall opinion
I really like them. 16, 20, 24kgs are perfect homegym equipment since the storage and workout space don't need much real estate. Love working with them outside when the sun shines.
EMOM and circuit style training
>best exercises to become stronger and getting imressive physique
To get stronger, do high volume squats, clean and press, snatch. Find a program like this.
If you want an impressive physique definitely consider using a barbell. Kbs get memey when you go over 32kg and do something stupid like double 36kg snatches. IMO kbs are supposed to be low weight done with high volume repetitions aka developing impressive work capacity. Barbells are much safer when working with heavy loads.
>how often
as much as 3 times per week

user, i....
hitting muscles differently is what there is like 1 bnillion industry built around
put it this way, kbs make it really easy to do olympic movements without all the equipment.
that can never be a meme.

what the fuck is a pood?

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d00d u don't even know what a pood is??

The intensity measured by the face you make when you're in the loo.
Also, checked.

>you will live in the pood
>you will eat the boogs

live by the pood, die by the pood.

yea i know, the little differences between what dbs and kbs do doesnt matter much to me, its weight with a handle, i dont care about the rest

lol, retard. it's not up to you whether it matters or not, that's up to literally physics and biology

ok you changed my mind kettebells cannot build muscle thank you

i love u guys

Are heavy halos any good?

REALLY good for shoulder mobility bro

>What's your opinion on kettlebells?
I like mine as an alternative form of "arm cardio" because I just use a lighter weight and swing it around for like 5 minutes before stopping.

ask me how i know you're a trt/roid tranny?

Fucking this. I use an old neck brace (the foam kind) wrapped over twice, no more unnecessary pain.


>They're useful in grappling sports
They are not, I don' know a single freestyle wrestler who does them. Can you imagine Sadulaev or Saitiev do them? However Zhan Beleniuk does shit tons of swings and gorilla cleans

I like them, great for workout if you don't have access to a gym for whatever reason. you'll just have to accept that they're different from dumbbell and barbells with regard to the exercise you can or should do with them.

Best cost-to-benefit tool for home workout, bar none.

>Pull up bar?
No squat, no press, no point
>Resistance bands?
Fuck spaghetti.
>Static bike?
Hope you paid extra for that ten year Peloton plan, they definitely won't go under before then.

Spend a hundred bucks on a kettlebell. You will buy it once and you will pass it onto your children, and in the meantime proper utilisation of this tool will render you incapable of being a bitch.

Generally I don't trust people with two first names as their name.

I know the Greco Roman guys love Bulgarian bags and the eastern ones use club and mace work, so I think it differs by style. BJJ types tend to like TGUs.