QTDDTOT Thread - Spicy Boi Edition

Does Any Forums hate hot sauce? If so, why?

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Hot sauce is a cheat code for healthy food

if you want to go from lets say 70kg/155lbs to 80kg/176lbs, is the general idea to just go straight to your target weight or e.g. 5kg/11lbs beyond and then cut some fat?

What's the best way to to avoid knee cave on squats? I'm thinking my right glute medius is weak and/or I have trouble activating it. Been trying some banded glute exercises but they don't seem to be helping too much.

I put hot sauce on everything cuz spicy food just feel natural. Yes, I am a black man.

How many days a week martial arts is necessary for fast acquisition of skills, I'm lifting 4 days a week, and how long does it take for me to become good enough to beat an average male? Also Judo vs Muay Thai, which is easier to learn and better for street combat?

What are the best natural bang for my buck ways to raise test? I was under the impression I'm fairly healthy but my latest bloodwork came back with low free test (not total test). I already lift and eat somewhat healthy and don't wanna have to go on TRT for the rest of my life..

Will more reps with lighter weights help me to improve my max bench press? I'm considering mixing hypertrophy and strength training since my bench press progress is really slow.

how much do you bench?

1 plate for 1 rep..

is 12-15 reps too much per set for hypertrophy purposes compared to 6-10?

15 feels like it becomes pure endurance territory, but im not an expert

what program are you running? How much do you weigh, height and are you female(not an insult but the advice will change cuz of it)?

Depends on the exercise. You should experiment to see what makes you get the best pump / get the best results.

Anyone ever have trouble with cannibalistic thoughts since hopping on tren?

Is there any way or form of squatting that won't end up with torn rotator cuffs, shoulders in pain, herniated discs and broken willpower?
I'm doing low bar squats in a beginner program (GSLP) and I'm barely above 1pl8, but I already can't really hold on to the bar anymore. I fail to unrack it 5-6 times before racking it successfully in each set because I can't keep it from spinning and sliding, and even then the shoulder pain is unreal. I even get some whole arm weakness after doing this, I couldn't unload the bar when I finished. I lost focus on one set and the bar slid so far down my back I had to good morning it back onto the rack, at the price of a tingling lumbar disc.
No high bar squats for me either. They're even worse for my lower back and I just can't find a way to do them.
I hate squats. Is there something like straps for squats? Or should I try another variation as my main? Pls help

>Zinc and Magnesium supplements
>Getting sun for at least an hour a day
>Cooming only once a week
>Limiting Alcohol intake
>High fat/high protein meals, eat meat
>Reduce stress/cortisol (meditation, L-Theanine supps)

Stuff off the top of my head.

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Agree with this question. I'm 5'9 185 lbs, bench 145 for 5x5 reps and I've been stuck there for like 2 months. Progress basically stalled. Been lifting a total of 8 months.

>best pump
Lol, the pump doesn't matter for growth.
All that matters is the volume you do provided you stay below 30 reps which have been shown to have no hypertrophy benefits and above 4 reps which does have hypertrophy benefits but is mostly strength work. Obviously practical matters taken into consideration like shouldn't do 5x5 for lateral raises and above 12 reps in squats is hell if you are lower than advance and/or have poor work capacity

what program are you running?

Disagree, flushes muscle with blood. There's a reason bodybuilders do pump work and strength training.

i’m a dyel doing 5x5 for about 5-6 weeks now. i’ve done it in the past but was never very consistent. should i go to an intermediate method like texas method or ppl or continue with 5x5 for now? stats:

135lbs squat
145lbs deadlift
75lbs ohp
120lbs bench (though i can definitely do 135, i’m just trying to slowly work back up)
85lbs bbrow

Thanks man. Let me know if you think of anything else. I'm legit going to try and incorporate all this stuff. I do already take ZMA (see pic) and ashwagandha but I've heard the type of the zinc and magnesium in this brand isn't the highest quality so not sure it's actually helping. Alcohol will be the hardest as I typically have 2-3 beers each night Thurs - Sat. Does cardio affect test at all? I've been pretty lazy with that over the winter

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male. weight 78 kg. program regarding the bench pressing should be 5x5, but I'm bench pressing with heavier weights so it's more like 5 sets for 3 reps and 1 set going for the max 1 rep.

been doing muay thai for a year and did judo for a couple of months. after 6 months of grappling you’ll be way more skilled than the average shitter on the street than if you did 6 months of muay thai since there’s always a punchers chance. they’re both very sport oriented. i personally enjoy striking more, but it mostly depends on what you like. if self defense is your biggest concern i’d say judo since it’s standup and it’s grappling, though if you go to a legit muay thai gym and focus on clinching, you will eventually get very good at standup grappling, it might just take longer

Customized PPL program, I lift mostly for satisfaction/enjoyment so never built it to be to optimized for perfection.

Push day is
>Bench Press 5x5
>Shoulder press 8x3
>Tricep Rope pulldown 12x3
>Tricep Pushdown machine 12x3
>Incline DB Press 8x3

Also I realize tricep rope pulldown is on the push day but was added for development of that muscle on that day, not necessarily sticking to the guidelines rigidly.

so for example I lift at home with a weight vest predominantly, 4x10 pullups are SO much easier than 4x5 with 40lb in my vest. its just exhausting and makes me end up missing sessions because i have no energy to commit to it

I can't quite get my chin over the bar when I'm doing pullups. I can do three and there's about five centimeters/two inches left to go. 175 cm 72 kg dyel. Is therre anything I can do except keep doing pullups to correct my form? Am I missing something? I am hanging all the way down a the beginning of every rep and I'm engaging my lats as well as my triceps.

Yeah for sure man, I take ZMA and aswagandha as well and working on reducing my drinking to just the weekends, it's a fucking bitch. I would assume cardio would have a positive impact on test levels assuming it's more HIIT oriented instead of long, stressing runs. And you could be outside getting sun and getting the blood pumping which is all beneficial.

do negatives and lower yourself over like 5-10 seconds

is it true that a normal healthy person can effortlessly do 100 jumping jacks in 1 minute? i struggle to do like 80 in a row and i get winded

Thanks, user!

>was never very consistent.
Christ, just keep fucking lifting. Why do you want to move to intermediate when you can't even squat 225lbs. Christ, lifting until you reach a plateau that isn't overcome by bulking in a 500cal surplus, better sleep or deloading by 10% and working up again.
What is your actual lifting program? write it down. Also I never asked but what is your bench progress?
1) roids 2) I said necessary for growth, I never said it is useless for it, the pump can work but it won't be close to as effective as just picking enough volume and heavy enough weight then progressing each week especially if you are natural.
how fast is your strength progress anyways? Your routine is surprisedly fine provided the 8x3 is 3 sets of 8 reps but do incline DB press before the tricep work always do compounds before isolations.

>4x10 pullups are SO much easier than 4x5 with 40lb in my vest.
Yes, cause 5 reps sets are hard. You can do 4x10 or 4x8 or 3x8 provided you are progressing session by session(as a beginner), if 4x10 will make you commit to your program because practically speaking if volume(weightxsetsxreps) is equated then you will get the same hypertrophy and strength.

thank you

Recommend some low calorie mild hot sauce or condiment in general?

These nutrition labels are sneaky as fuck.

“5 calories per tsp”
“15 calories per 2 tbsp”

Makes it intentionally harder to compare


Since there are a lot of questions about bench pressing, how much do you arch your back when bench pressing? I don't think i'm overdoing anything, just trying to keep my back as tight as possible with a little arch, but sometimes I get a little lower back pain on last rep when I get tired and the form is breaking.

>How fast is your strength progress anyways?

Not bad overall, tricep particularly well actually. For whatever reason bench press has been a thorn in my side, ironic considering it's one of my favorite lifts. I try to go up roughly 5 pounds every 2 wks for most exercises. I feel like maybe experimenting with grip width (close/wide) could help.

Also, I'll keep what you said about DB press in mind. Always appreciate the advice, thanks man.

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>>practically speaking if volume(weightxsetsxreps) is equated then you will get the same hypertrophy and strength.

this is true as you or another user said basically aywhere in the 5-30 reps per set range? im not going anywhere near 30 a set thats wild, but my question is basically im not losing much if i stay at 8-15 a set and i am more consistent that way than 6-10?

I still lift to 'near failure', where i do 15 a set i could probably get 17 but doubtful 20 for instance. Its just so much easier and i can lift more often this way

I'm entering a 500 calorie deficit and I'm wondering what I should do with my lifts to minimize muscle loss. Should I decrease load or reps? How will my volume be impacted? I don't want to lose the progress I made on my lifts.

Bicep workouts are fairly straightforward but are there any variations that are best for development/strength gains? Right now I'm doing concentration curls and hammer curls on arm day, not including the other exercises i.e bench where they're recruited. Feels like I'm not making as much strength progress as I should be, feel like I could benefit from more variation.

Depending on how long you've been lifting I would expect in most cases a decrease in progress, it just happens on a deficit but 500 isn't to significant. If anything I would lower reps but keep the same weight so you don't lose that adaptation your body already has for throwing them around. Lower reps could help compensate for the lack of energy you'll have.

What's the best time to go to the gym?
It's currently 5:40pm and I was going to sign up today but I don't want there to be a lot of people~

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Im part of one of those hot sauce clubs where they send me 3 bottles of the spiciest shit on the planet every couple of months. I put it in my ramen and eggs. This one is ghost peppars cause i ran out of my last reaper ones

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Whenever i coom less than once a week my money shots get too much power behind them. Ive hit myself in the face several times and have had to learn to fap without mouth breathing

What protein powder does Any Forums favor most? Years ago my go to was Nitrowhey. I'm sure by now there are better.

You're welcome and 5 pounds each week in compound exercises is good solid progress

why is high bar bad for your back? if you become a high bar chad you can avoid all that. also grip the bar wider.
never prematurely decrease the load. only do it when you end up failing sets. what other user suggested is good too.

>drink 2 cups of coffee every morning
>started putting salt in it (not huge amounts, like 1/8 of a teaspoon per cup)
>after two weeks of this started retaining water everywhere
>arms look nice and thick but I also feel like I look fatter overall
>I basically look like I have a pump 24/7 but the fat I do have looks more jiggly

Is this unhealthy? This is different from normal levels of water retention, I look completely different. I kind of like the results but I'm worried about blood pressure etc.

then how about go to the fucking doctor and get your blood pressure taken

or go to a damn CVS and do the arm thing thats free at the pharmacy

I forgot to say that high bar hurts my knees too.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Even my bodyweight squats look very much like the way I do low bar squats.
But I guess I'll try gripping even wider, I was restricted by the squat rack a little.
I'll try supplementing a few light front/zercher squats after my main squats

Is it better to lift heavy weights a few times or lift lighter weights a bunch of times

how stupid and/or useless is taking walks/hikes with extra weight? like 10-20lb in the back of my camelbak? I assume ankle weights are a gigantic meme?

Hot sauce is tasty, low calorie, and if you eat it hot enough, slows down your eating enough so that you feel before you're done eating. It's pretty based

I have autoimmune thyroiditis, and as a result my thyroid is under-performing. I've been prescribed thyroxine which I've been taking ever since, and it has greatly improved my life, allowing me a life of a normal person.
Am I considered natty though? I do control the dosage so that T4/TSH is in ideal range, while these things naturally change with age.

People go for runs, long walks or hikes with a full backpack as a way to train before going trekking in the mountains. A common exercise in places without steep terrain is going up and down the stairs in multi story buildings, also with a loaded bag.
So it's not entirely stupid at least. However by increasing your carry load you increase the strain on joints and ligaments that harden up very slowly. Muscles build up much faster, so even if they can handle the load, joints like the knees and ankles can be damaged. So take it slow.

i work from home currently so i take a 5 mile walk every day mid-afternoon so my ligaments and joints should be good for that distance, I'm 155lb bodyweight.

Would carrying extra to get up to say 180lb all-in do anything for my leg muscles? I'm guessing it'd maybe be useful for core strength and posture too

I need to get my life in order and take responsibility for it but how do you deal with regret and/or family who make you feel like shit? It affects my gains and I trust Any Forums more than soys.

That makes me laugh you still today have a gang that can’t stand a burn in food at all, and especially if they still imagine they are men. Yesterday at dinner the food was made for everyone with a best friend and it was asked you guess everyone is ok you didn’t season it a bit and everyone went. Put it in a bottle of Blairs Pure Death sauce to give it a flavor.

That's when the food started to be eaten by everyone but me and that other cook started sweating and crying you're not too hot, you were but what the hell, you didn't bring evil yet! I happened to find some eldorado jalapenos on the table and I said you wouldn't pull it off, mum boys.

I had still reserved Chili Caps for the whole group for the evening bar, but I didn't give them to those mammals. For some, apparently that salt and pepper is just enough to season the food

Not sure if it goes here or Any Forums. Free or Open Source calorie counting or diet apps?

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard.

You're describing strength training vs hypertrophy training. Entirely depends on what your goals are

>I assume ankle weights are a gigantic meme
They are. You'll completely wreck your ankles/knees/hips. Loaded backpacks are better for you, but take it slow (weight- *and* time/distance-wise)

Move out, cut them out of your life, go to therapy.

How do I get a bigger waist? Currently a 30 would like to get to a 34.

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gonna drink a summer shandy, are all my gains going to disappear??

get fatter

money-wise, which of the ED drug telemedicine sites is best? hims/roman/bluechew/etc. also, are any of those indian online pharmacies legit? i just want some tadalafil

Anyone have experience with shoulder injuries? My left shoulder is fucked up but it is getting better day by day. Though it seems to feel the worst in the morning, it feels way better when I go about my day which suggests to me that I might be sleeping wrong. Does anyone know how I should be sleeping in this case?

Kettlebell swings, single and double arm, will fix this.


What kinda clubs are those? Never heard of it

Is it normal that the outer edge of my pecs become more defined than the center?

>Move out, cut them out of your life, go to therapy.
I don't live with them. I've been to therapy, it's a waste of time and I'm tired of hunting for one that isn't an outright charlatan.

Have your gf (male) massage the knots out of your traps and stop fapping

Lurk more

Lift heavier weight
Do it more times if you feel insecure

Meat is cheaper and wayyyy better for you


Heavy bench, barbell row, deads

Flex your abs. It counts if your ass is touching regardless of height of arch

im not that user, but therapy unironically helps if you are open to it, and you have it for under a year or so. It should NOT be something you need for life, its meant to change your thought process within 6 months to a year then you should be good on your own

and seriously yes cut people out of your life. if you dont rely on them for financial support, get rid of them. its your choice who you have around you in your life man

I have covid and so far the worst I'm dealing with is pain in my lower back, a bad migraine and stress headache mix, a loss of appetite, and general weakness. Wat do?

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let's say I have 0 core or upper body strength. I'm tired of being a fat fucking faggot

how /how long do I strengthen these areas enough to start lifting? I don't want to give myself a hernia and I feel angry with myself not being able to do a single sit-up or push up

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you don't need any prior strength to start lifting. just start lifting. you will get stronger way faster than doing callisthenics. bodyweight work is really hard if you're fat anyway.

>how long do I strengthen these areas enough to start lifting?
By start lifting.
>I don't want to give myself a hernia
This is more about form and not lifting way above your means, than strength. Get gym staff/PT to make sure your form is correct.

Last thing: literally no one in the gym is going to care about how much or how little you lift. So don't worry about only lifting the bar, we all gotta start somewhere, my dude.

Your favourite calculator + your favourite journaling system
Or an outright spreadsheet
It's not FOSS retard
Just go lift and start with the bar. I'm in the same boat. I'm still subpar compared to even most beginners in this board but I'm getting there.
Avoid an hernia by not lifting beyond what you realistically can and bracing correctly.
Besides if you're currently fat you're stronger than you think anyways, cut while lifting and you'll be better off than most people (I cut without lifting and am paying for it)

I'm 6'7 and when I deadlift, I have to go into a semi squat position. Would that fuck over deadlift specific gains or is there any way to fix that?

guys help and save me im getting really bad cessations mmm i wanna go to wawa and get a sandwhich and soda and chips and smokes mmm that would be lovely

get a hold of yourself, something in your kitchen might be close to expiring, dont waste that. besides, gas prices are high.

wtf based east coast KING

okay i found some turkey but my temptations are getting pretty bad
imagine NOT living in east code? 201 represent

How should I bump up my plate weight if I'm trying to save money? Right now I'm benching just a 20 kg bar, and can do 3 sets of ~10. What weight plates should I get next?

484 here

I have a home gym. Become my woman and I'll let you use it, but only so you can get a bigger ass.

Eat enough for 3 and drink a gallon of water a day, your body needs the supplies to fight the war inside. Lower back pain, lay down right or stand up because sitting makes it worse. Headaches/weakness is not a problem for men, you can ignore pain unlike women/fags.

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Unironically how do I thicken my neck? Nothing extreme. I look like a grape on a toothpick and I want to balance it out a little.

Something like these, there is a few out there where you select the level of heat you want and the will send you like random indie level hot sauces at that level. Its basically a loot bpx for hot sauce but isnt as soi. I use Fuego

Thank you, Kiryu user.

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I'm open to it in many ways but my experience was shit ("follow your dreams, user!") and it's been next to impossible for me to find ones who aren't quacks and are also taking patients/my insurance/whatever.

It's hard. I love my family. But they also make me feel shitty. Some is past trauma, some is present shit. I'm not religious and they are. I think their boomer worldview is shit and stupid and they don't know fuck about being a person in the modern day. And so on.

im not a therapist, one thing I learned long ago though: anything anybody else is superceded when they use the word 'but' in a sentence.

>>I love my family. But they also make me feel shitty.

This means you know they are toxic BUT you are refusing to better your life by cutting them out, or at least cutting them back a whole lot

Why do my nipples show through my shirt so much? Not even the gyno bunnyhill type of showing, just two pencil erasers poking out my chest.

Being tall is pretty much the worst thing ever for doing deadlifts. Being short is the cheat mode, so being tall is the opposite of that. Not much you can do to get around this.

god post pics i wanna CUMMMMMMMMMMMM

I have kind of a kink in my left bicep right about here, it's not too painful but it's kind of annoying. Any idea what it could be? I'd been lifting 9kg dumbbells but had scaled back a little bit on those when I got elbow pain.

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>I love porn
>Can't stop thinking about porn
>Wish I could watch porn all the time
>Even watch porn while lifting

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I have this hot sauce but it will hurt my tongue if I keep using it on one meal. I think it's more of a novelty sauce you use with friends, or something you add to a soup or a sauce. For example it would be great if you add it to a ketchup dip.

I've finally gotten to where I want to be lifts and general aesthetic wise, not wanting to go down the rabbithold of being autisticly poring over power, getting bigger or tiny aesthetic/genetic imbalances. Question is how do I maintain? Everything I've been reading from google, here to plebbit everyone is concerned about progression. 1/2/3/4 for reps. Do I just keep lifting at same level indefinitely and increase conditioning?

Old Bay hot sauce is mild and low cal since its just spices and vinegar. Its my go to when im not using dried peppers for heat.

What's the best thing to eat before lifting? Currently I have an apple/banana, avocado toast, greek yogurt, and a scoop of pre.

>Do I just keep lifting at same level indefinitely and increase conditioning?
This is pretty much it. Honestly once you hit your goal body you can pretty much cut down to 2 days in the gym, one day upper body and one day lower body, and just coast.

Those novelty sauces are great for cutting though. You ever try to eat more than 6 wings of the hotest wings on the menu? After 3 your prety much done. I really got into those novelty sauces because of how effective it was on cutting. It almost induces a negative pavlovian response to eating

Oh yea, you're going to get really nice quads and calves. I noticed that spending a couple of weeks hiking in mountains has improved my cycling speed for example.

Try doing some upper pectorial exercises, like inclined bench press.

You'll learn the most efficient form as you get stronger
I'm 6'4 and start with my ass down and legs a bit bent and then as I pull, my legs straighten and the bar scrapes my knees

Wider stance is your friend for strength

I'm only at 5pl8 but I recently widened my squat and dead stance and now both are more consistent for me

Sounds like you don't understand discipline

Anytime I squat anywhere near heavy, I get a painful/weak feeling on the outside of my right knee. I always try to keep good form and my knees never really collapse inwards. What could this be? Is it an MCL thing? Should I stop squatting heavy?

You need to stretch you adductors before and make sure your feet track out from your hip socket and then your knees stay upright in line with your feet

I see retards all the time with parallel feet on squat and then they complain about knee pain
Don't hurt yourself and

I'll try the stretches, thanks. I do always put my feet at a ~45 degree angle and make sure my knees track that same line, so I don't squat with parellel feet.
Should I go lighter and more reps for now or continue going heavy?

is it fine to shadowbox with a sprained wrist? I mean I still go to work with it and can do 95% of what I normally do no pain so should I get back into training?

>don’t smoke for 3 years Bc I’m not a degenerate
>meet up with college buddies
>hit joint 5 times
>drug test in 3 weeks from when I did it for a job I really want
Am I good? I do alternate day fasting if that helps.

Please tell me this is a pulled muscle and not a herniated disc
>Deadlifted to failure after doing PR
>Lower back on left side sore as fuck especially when stretching

I’ve got no pain down my legs but god damn is it sore, I’ve never had pain/soreness like this and I’ve been deadlifting for years.

Why are rows/chinups often programmed in higher rep ranges?

I like doing bench and ohp in sets of 5 and want to balance them out with corresponding pulls, ie rows and chinups. I've been doing them in sets of 5 as well, but looking online they seem to be programmed more in sets of 10 in most routines. Is this just a preference thing or are pulls for some biomechanical reason better suited for higher reps compared to pushes?

If it matters, I am doing weighted chinups and chest supported barbell rows (seal rows) on a partially elevated bench (pic related).

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Fast absorbing carbs like the apple/banana are the best. Keep it light.

It's perfectly acceptable to program Rows in the 5 rep range. Unless you're referring to machine or cable exercises which are universally used in higher rep ranges than compound barbell lifts. Chins can also be done in low rep ranges, but you need a dip belt and plates to load it so they are harder. If you only have BW yo work with the only way to progressively overload Chins is more reps

If you are actually into boxing, ask your coach, he can probably asses your injury to your shadowboxing technique. If you're not a boxer you shouldn't really be shadowboxing as throwing empty punches in the air puts plenty of strain even on healthy joints if you don't know how to shadowbox safetly.

Unironacly I started doing yoga. Good for core, flexibility and general joint strength. Help alot for me with struggling to keep a right core for both lifting and running
"Yoga with Adrienne" om yr is where i started. Try One of those 30days programs

Ok thanks. I'm still curious why they often are programmed with higher reps. Is it just that they are considered a lower priority by many or that it's hard to have a consistant quality on reps on higher weights.

I just moved to high elevation (~7000ft), how long does it take to acclimate? I ran 2 miles this morning and I feel like I'm going to die.

like a couple weeks at most

I'm one of those people that has a hard time swallowing large pills so fish oil pills are near impossible for me to swallow. Whats the best way to make sure my omega 3 to 6 ratio is in check?

90% of my fats come from either peanut/almond butter, or just regular almonds/peanuts/cashews. Is it as simple as just eating more fish and walnuts?

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do u just have a flat bench propped up on a box?

So I deadlifted for the 1st time today, went surprisingly well, but on the way down kept hitting the bar on my kneecap and other parts of my leg. What can I do to prevent this?

Throw the bar out in front of you while yelling "LIGHTWEIGHT BABY"

Yeah, thought first about having both ends of the bench rised to equal height, but couldn't bother making another plybox and thought this should work as fine. IDK why I haven't seen a setup like this elsewhere online, but it feels stable and safe. Range of motion is slightly less than on a pendlay row, but puts a lot less stress on my lower back.

Eat fish or melt the gels into oats

do you incline bench on it too?

Sounds boring, Imma throw it like a spear into the ass of some thot doing ass excercises.

Haven't tried as I also have an adjustable bench, but can't do rows on that one. I also like having a seat on the incline bench so my but doesn't slide around.

I love spicy food but I hate the spicy shits I get from it.

Good news, no its not a herniated disc, for one you'd be in agony and two its off to the side of your spine - probably not your spine Einstein. Bad news you've probably pulled your hip flexor and this can cause chronic pain if you don't do anything about it. I'd seriously recommend seeing a physio pronto or at least start doing some hip flexor stretches or that shit can stay with you for life. Speaking from experience here.

Most people just get a better pump/MMC with higher reps in the back. There's nothing magical about it, if you feel it at lower reps go for your life.
That actually means your bar path is pretty good. You ever watched videos of people doing WR's deadlifts without suits? Their shins get bloody as fuck dragging the bar up them. Its just a part of the exercise. Wear leggings if its really painful but otherwise just keep at it.

>Kettlebell swings, single and double arm, will fix this.
Thanks I'll try these. Just curious how do you think they'll fix the knee caving? I assume they'll strengthen my glute medius?

Is this routine alright for hypertrophy?
Doing supersets and myo reps (15-20/5 is myo reps, basically 1 set of rest pause type training) to save time
Training from home so weird choice of exercises.

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Fatty here 6 foot , 270 and 30% body fat is that around the average for someone near my weight class?

Need to lose two percent to qualify as a zig bot I was guessing it that would be around 15 pounds am I right?

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>Those novelty sauces are great for cutting though.

In general a spicy sauce makes me more satisfied with my meal. So I think you're right.

Been following starting strength and eating a lot (both protein and otherwise) and noticing a definite paunch developing on my stomach, so much so that I've started having to unbutton my jeans to sit comfortably lol. Am I eating too much? Do deadlifts really bloat you? I assume this isn't expected behavior, and I'm really trying to stay lean above all else.

I'm trying to do hook grip, but it feels so much weaker than double overhand or mixed grip. My fingers just slip off my thumb since it has so much less grip than the knurled barbell. Obviously I'm doing something wrong - how do I properly hook grip?

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oh no no no, he fell for it...

Recommendations for substituting milk if im on a elimination diet?

>Do deadlifts really bloat you?

do not deadlift unless you're trying to win a deadlift competition

Don't listen to the other guys, it's totally fine to gain some fat while gaining muscle. Deadlifts don't "bloat" you but do train your midsection as well as everything else. Don't think about cutting or ditching the deadlifts, just keep on going. You can "cut" later and you're gonna have to buy new jeans anyway for the thick glutes you will develop. Your ass-muscles might be the reason your pants feel tight at now as well, not your tummy.

I had to renew even all of my underwear after 6 months of lifting, having to buy new jeans isn't that bad. Get used to wearing a belt tho.

No way everyone who posts deadlift numbers on this board is trying to win a deadlift competition. What should I substitute instead?

stop listening to Mark Rippletits unless you want to end up with his belly. Eat a few hundred calories over your maintenance, not thousands, or you'll end up obese.

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My forearms hurt when I train biceps, why and what can I do to not make it happen?

What's the most efficient way to consume protein?

I'm cutting right now and really don't eat much anyways because of Adderall. I used to just drink two of picrel each day because it was quick, easy, and gave me 84g of protein for relatively few calories. It's expensive though so any other recommendations? I hate having to take the time to mix shakes and plan meals and shit. What's the closest thing to a pill I can take with 100g of protein in it? Don't really care how nasty it is as long as it's low effort.

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Help me cutting bros
Chicken breast recipes for cutting without adding fat calories?
Eggs recipes for cutting without adding fat calories?
Or at least vegetables I can mix to make a salad that taste good without adding fat calories

What percentage of daily calories should come from fat? Eating 2500 cals atm and getting 84 grams of fat which would be 30%. Is that too much? I dont eat a lot of fat during the day and usually have to end up cramming it all in at night.

>What's the most efficient way to consume protein?
In order suppository, IV, orally

It doesnt matter. Hit your protien, hit you total cals, the rest doesnt really matter

why are you so obsessed with fat calories ? you know anything will make you fat if eaten in excess ?

What's the logic behind gomad?

This, its all broken down to energy and excess energy is used to create more body tissue. Doesnt really matter if the source is fat or carbs

Isnt there a minimum amount of fat you need to eat or else you get hormone problems or some shit?

Gain a lot of weight really fast and using the power of prayer or gear to make most of that mass muscle

Don't ignore me you fucks

Tree hangs xF

user... How could you?

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Do you even need a planned out routine when cutting?
The goal is to only maintain the amount of muscles you have and more volume won't do much for that.

yes fat is necessary to survival while carbs are not
eating zero fat is impossible anyway

>why are you so obsessed with fat calories ? you know anything will make you fat if eaten in excess ?
I know that... just want to keep fats at minimum and increased carbs as high as possible at my current deficit

As an alcoholic, every day I tell myself this is the last drunken night, only to repeat the cycle tomorrow night, again and again. last night wasn't actually the last night, tonight will be the last night, I tell myself. and then a month passes by, as I still sit there with my glass of liquor.

How did you stop Any Forums?

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>How did you stop?

I didn't want to be a pathetic faggot who constantly lied.

No matter what back exercises I never feel like I'm working my lats. Am I just not activating them correctly on lifts or something?

>Can finay hit the gym on saturday again
>couldnt properly go last 2 weeks because travelling around for work


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Shoulder mobility is extremely tight and I can’t grab the bar on squats like I should be able to, how to open shoulders up? And can I just green the bar near the plates until I fix it?

Is ot normal for glutes to cramp when deadlifting?

This happened to me last 5 times and I'm still on rookie weights. My asscheeks just start hurting and it hurts like a motherfucker until it lets up

>run through the woods for 7 weeks
>go in at night even when i cant see shit
>go run one time in town on hard pavement
>break my ankle
how does it happen?

Honestly, what keeps you guys from killing yourselves? The future seems so bleak. I’m going through a terrible break up from a long term relationship and was already planning a wedding, home, and babies in the next 5 years and now it’s gone. Working out and seeing progress is good but it all seems so pointless.

You’re going through a bad breakup you’ll get over it, now that you’re literally free to do whatever figure out what you want and get after it

i fucked my quads doing both front squats & lunges yesterday

Strengthens the whole quad, calves, hamstrings, and glutes. Knee cave comes from weak leg muscles and other muscles having to overcompensate for them.
Id suggest double arm swings for time, 1 minute on, 1 minute rest, for 10 minutes.

Im getting guns, ammo, and gear while training for the collapse of western civilization. I plan to be a local warlord/cult leader so there a lot of good stuff to be excited for in the future

Been cutting for 2,5 months and I'm eating 1900-2000 calories a day (started the cut with 2400 calories a day). Been losing weight and fat consistently but lost way too much muscle.

This is right after cardio on an empty stomach, it obviously doesn't look like that all the time. I wanna get so lean that it's always flat but I'm pretty sure that I will have to cut two more months + go down to 1700 or 1600 calories, which would be suicide as I'm swimming 3x + boxing 2x a week.
What should I do now? Lose even more muscle and get very lean or eat a bit more (but still below maintenance)? Strength has been going down like crazy.

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Lift dumbass

I'm lifting 5 times a week, I already mentioned that strength has gone down
yes, I'm losing fat but also too much muscle mass, what the FUCK should I do
I'm way too fat for the summer

eat at maintenance on the weekends to preserve muscle mass

Can someone tell me why canola oil is bad. Link journals if possible frens

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I've got a dad bod. I'm 85 kg, I am lifting. Should I be on a calorie deficit to shed the fat, or eat more to allow muscle to build before worrying about the fat?

Or just eat at maintenance, guide me wise ones

What's the most efficient way of directly training abs? I'm tired of increasing reps. I'm currently doing the ab wheel for sets of 20 and its just annoying. Are cable crunches effective? Seems like I could at least do progressive overload with them. Same with weighted crunches I guess.

kings, does creatin actually work or is it a meme?

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Anyone try a POOPMAXX routine? I'm talking diet, supplements and workouts to have the biggest poops possible.

god i just want to smash his face in after shooting my wad all over his thick ass.

answer my question and I will post provocative pictures

I've been struggling with getting enough protein everyday. I don't like the powder and find it expensive and inefficient as a main source.

Meat is always a good answer, but I still don't know how much to get or if there are some better sources. I need 170 grams of protein a day.

Anybody been in this situation?

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>had a mild cold for 3 days
is going to the gym tomorrow a dick move, i dont have any leaking body fluids so im probably not very contagious

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My whole body hurts and I need to eat protein but I have 0 appetite. Everything looks disgusting to me.

Please help, what do I do.

drink a whey shaker ?

Try some of these. I buy them in bulk.

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i havent smoked in 27 hours but im getting pretty bad withdrawals someone what do i do

Smoke or buy gum

i've had nagging back discomfort (i wouldn't call it pain) for years, primarily a sensation that the right side of my body (especially around my right shoulder and hip) is "tight" and even that my spine/body is pulling in that direction. my first thought it was scoliosis but my doctor said i didn't have it. could he be wrong or is there something else that might be causing it? to note i have flat feet with the left significantly worse than the right (affecting my gait) and also tend to fold my left arm behind my back when i'm laying down which i read can fuck your shit up

Try fixing how you sleep.
Also try yoga.

>Do squats with a shoulder-width stance
>feel like my hip flexors are doing a lot of work regardless of the amount of weight
Is it supposed to be like this?

I ended up going and had an awesome workout. I just asked the guy who signed me up what the best times were.

got the coof. how long is this shit gonna stay in my system? I'm a relatively healthy guy overall aside from my sugar addiction I can't break. I'm not Any Forums but I'm not exactly out of shape either. I tried Google but got mixed results and no straightforward answer.

Wow man, you're such a badass

any suggestions on the former? when this stuff started i had originally thought my bed was worn out but it persisted even after replacing it

I got Tennis elbow from skull crushers.
Is it because I lower the weight to my neck?

Seeing my physician next week and going to ask for a blood test. What are the most important vitamins and hormones that I should ask him to test for? 23 year old male if that's of relevance.

What are the best workouts to relieve anger and stress? I am full of rage and want an outlet

There is no timeline, which is what made it such a big deal in the first place. There's people over a year later still dealing with long-COVID shit. Hope you got the vaccine, now you get to wait and hope.

About 3-7 days. Standard flu timeline

I'm tired of being an NPC, my mind is completely blank at all times and when I'm talking to someone I don't know what to talk about because of it. At all family or friend gatherings I'm just there, listening, with nothing to talk about.

What is wrong with me bros, what can I do to max consciousness

Been avoiding nutting to boost test and make sex pleasurable for the last week, coming from jacking off twice a day, does this actually work?

I've been edging twice a day instead without going all the way since this for now seems to scratch the itch, will move it to once a day next week and wean off from there

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Are straps cheating?

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Depends on how heavy you're lifting. Work on your grip strength if you're under like.. 3plates on deadlifts

If it's a rather isolated movement, e.g bicep curls, 15 reps can work out fine. On lower reps you are more likely to overshoot on how many reps you can do without breaking form, causing you to involve other muscles instead of working the bicep close to failure.

only matters if you roid

Whether or not they're cheating, just stop using them anyway. Your deadlift will take a hit and progress slowly while your grip catches up, but it will be for the best. I'm pulling 405 hook grip and my grip strength has no impact on deadlift progression. Never have I had the bar slip from my hands in recent memory.

>inb4 405 is babby weight
I know it is.

Depends on what you are doing. Would recommend you work your grip to failure or at least very close, when your grips becomes the limiting factor on e.g rows you can utilize straps as they let you work your lats closer to failure even though your grip is now shit.

If you use them too early your grip strength will never improve and the straps will become a crutch and will impede you in the future.

I'm not a psychologist but if everything feels "flat" (No ups or downs) and nothing interests you, you might be depressed.

If not necessarily depressed, is something going on in your life that steals that focus away? Anything you want to talk about?

Would recommend cardio as lifting heavy and then having rest periods can make you lose focus on the workout itself and you will still have that "downtime" to think. People are different though.

eat more, cut slower
it sounds like you're losing muscle from cardio

It fixed my ed which in retrospect was caused by porn addiction. Now i have a chub 12h out of the day and have a 7 day cycle. Also my loads shoot about 4ft now which ive had to get used to. I hit myself in the face and the wall behind me whenever i forget whats going to happen though. My confidence has gone up a lot though and im a lot more interested on making connections with women i meet

should i focus more on biceps or on triceps? or are my arms already proportional. trying to put on size on arms. slowly creeping up to 14 inches after having completely ignored then for a long time.

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you should focus on lifting weights in any capacity

i do, my arms are just small, dickhead. past 1/2/3/4, ok legs/back/chest just horrible shoulders and dreadful arms. which is why im asking for advice.

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pic of back for reference

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maybe ur just cursed bro, how are you benching over 2pl8 and deadlifting over 4pl8 but have no triceps and dyel forearms lol

Triceps. Obviously you're not flexing them in this picture, but arms are mostly triceps, expand those to match your biceps, easy gains.

Forearms, too, but mostly tris. If your 3 headed muscle is smaller than the 2 headed muscle on top of it, you'll look small. Simple as.

Tfw been trying to get lean for months and face is still puffy

It’s over bros gonna start eating ice cream and Oreos

i deadlift with straps lol. probably a mistake because my ass is comically huge now and i have small forearms
makes sense. past couple months i've been doing 5 sets 3x weekly of bench, then a few sets of pushdowns, and extensions once or twice a week.

does adding a few sets of ohp for teo of the bench days, changing out a day of bench for cgbp+tricep dips, and adding extensions every push day sound good?

>dentist says i have small cavities forming between 2 teeth
should i get the drill or can they be remineralized? i asked him about the japanese toothpaste and he said there is no evidence it works. if they aren't repaired in 6 months i have to get the drill. how do i fix this bros?

have you lost weight? try eating less salt if you haven't already for whatever reason. and sleeping more/reducing stress.
some people just have puffy faces though.

What is the optimal bar path for a novice lifter for a bench press? I have seen that elite lifters push with a bar path that resembles a J on the way up

what japanese toothpaste?

>Apagard Premio toothpaste 100g | the first nanohydroxyapatite remineralizing toothpaste

also want to pick up vitamin k supplements but they are not for sale anywhere IRL i checked.

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I got to a all time low since high school
5’9.75” and 159 lbs

I think I’m 15 pounds away from being lean but it’s hard as fuck to keep this up. I did a major hike yesterday too and super exhausted doing legs in the gym atm

sounds like your (((dentist))) is afraid of losing a patient. get the magic japanese toothpaste.

How do I strengthen my grip other than farmer carries?

he's good, he told me another tooth does NOT need work. any anons successfully reverse a small cavity?

how long and what heat do you consider a major hike

>I think I’m 15 pounds away from being lean
in my experience the differences in appearance between the last 0-5lbs match the previous 15lbs lost. you might see the same thing.

i would take it easy on super intense stuff. i find i just end up getting super fatigued/gas out if i go too hard when i'm cutting. intense cardio is the first thing i cut. walking is pretty good though.

Im 25, been training a year
475 deadlift, 480 squat, 250 bench (i hate bench so I rarely train it)

With starting at 25, about how long do I have till I wont see numbers go up any more?

Going in natural and clean bulking

Literally never. I've used the prescription toothpaste, the mouthwash, extra flossing, fluoride medicine they put on at the dentists. Literally nothing prevents a pre-cavity from getting worse.

What makes a dumb cunt come to the gym with cologne on?

If you see this you stupid white nigger I was breathing on you cause I could fucking taste your cologne.

You could do dead hangs until failure. I also feel very tired in my forearms after doing sets of 8-12 of Romanian deadlifts.

Literally dead hangs. Aim for one minute. Also spoilers: they fucking suck (mostly the "just hanging there waiting for it to be over" part desu)

>diarrheaing out all your protein

are you suppose to be completely 'limp' basically when doing dead hangs, I read somewhere that obliterates your shoulders

A simple google search would've showed you the complete and total opposite.

What brand of gym clothes gives the best gains?

Force your knees out or lower the weights

which grip type for dead hangs? Pronated, supinated, or neutral?

when will it be good to upgrade my pc seeing as GPUs are overpriced atm(and new gen soon?). my rig is 10 years old and starting to get hickups here and there

how do I get rid of stretch marks. I got a few on my bicep.

You don't, they're scars. Some lotions/ointments can reduce their intensity/color, but they're gonna be there the rest of your life.

You can TRY:
>cocoa butter
>bio oil
>staying hydrated
>possibly getting tanned in the sun, may worsen the way it looks so proceed cautiously

i rub vitamin C cream on my stomach skin every morning and night and it seems to help tighten it up some, hard to tell how much is losing fat and gaining muscle too though. found some cream in a pump bottle for like $14 off Amazon, for that price it has lasted me a month+ twice a day

are those 0-20 pull ups apps effective?

what lifts can i do to replace overhead presses? i've got a bone spur in my shoulder that gets aggravated by things like that

Dumbbell press. Lateral raises, I guess. Maybe try lighter weight/higher reps OHP?

How do I calculate my maintenance calories as good as possible?

I'm having trouble with push day; mainly I think Im using my shoulders (front delt) a tonne more when doing things like Bench, db decline bench & incline db bench. Anyway to fix this because my front & side delts are getting big, where as my pecs (upper, middle & lower) dont seem to be improving at all.
My pec flys seem to be the only thing thats improving.
Anyone give me some help senpai

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Use a TDEE calc. Get the rough estimate and eat exactly that amount of calories for a week. Adjust accordingly to how much weight you gained/lost. Adjust again after another week if need be. Keep in mind that no one has 100% consistent/perfect calories burned in a day to day basis, so you'll be over/under the adjusted amount by a tad every time, so you'll need to adjust every few weeks or so.

Not really a question but If anyone has stomach problems after drinking Protein-Powder, try a Vegan Version.
Completely fixed my problems and I can drink that shit all day if I want to. Currently use pic related, pretty good protein amount per scoop too.

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>Hot sauce is a cheat code for healthy food

This, it makes everything so much more palatable if you're really going hard and eating like super basic shit.

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Another option: Lactose-free milk as a mixer. Reduces the potency/abundance of farts.

is it normal for your pubes to start thinning?

It was weird for me because I'm not even lactose intolerant. I wonder whats in normal protein that fucks me up.
Also protein farts are kinda based in my opinion

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Maybe you have pube-aids? That happens when you take creatine

i don't use creatine

Bro try this with some cucumber slices and lime juice

I'd still say its pube aids

well, should i be worried? frankly less hair there is probably a good thing so if it's not gonna spread to my head next i guess i don't care

I like asparagus but is there anything I can do to not let it make my piss smell so fucking bad?

not really if youre that worried about put a plastic bag over your head and tie a rope really tight around your neck to seal it so that smell doesnt get it.

when i do barbell squats i feel a muscle strain in my right thigh muscles no matter the weight. it happens when i do conventional squats but it feels fine when i do a wider stance. is my form off?

gday lads im mega autistic and not ready to commit to gym
is a full body workout using picrel any good? any info links is appreciated, cheers cunts

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How do I cook steak? My sister gave me multiple cuts when she visited, but I never made steak before.

>Sister gave me multiple cuts

I'd call the cops on her for aggravated assault

How do I deal with having no appetite in the morning? Normally I'd say fuck it, chugh a 2 scoop shake but afterwards I have to go to the gym and then I'll feel extremely bloated.
How do I deal with lowered appetite in general, hell I've done it before, I know all I need to do is 'eat more' but sometimes I even forget I had to eat because I wasn't hungry. Anxiety doesn't help either.

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No, it's the side effect of eating asparagus. Which sucks cuz they're really fucking good for you

It can be, but you're gonna plateau very quickly. Go to muscleandstrength.com and find a routine

I prefer Cronometer to MFP

why on earth would you want a bigger waist


Depends on what type of test. Urine you might be ok, hair you're fucked frankly

cottage cheese

piece of piss to get 170g from this daily


shrugs for traps
include dumbbells (with a very steep bench incline) for front delt

those hip machines that women use are crazy underrated

Not efforless, tried this cuz bored and it gassed me and can run a 4.5 min mile and do 200 something double unders

i need to start doing cardio but i'm unironically afraid of going out side and getting shot by niggers. what's good cardio i can do at home? burpees?

skip rope

Jump rope, much more fun than running or cycling. Even the cheap 5-10 dollar PVC ropes on amazon are good, elite boxers use a similar kind but with a brand label on it. Weighted is overrated

Gymnastics rings are the first and last piece of equipment you'll ever need

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>How do I cook steak?

High heat sear both sides for 3-4 minutes using one tablespoon of oil and 2 notches of butter, then wrap in aluminum foil for 5 minutes.

i prefer the constant flip method. basically let each side cook for like 30 seconds then flip, repeat until it's done. then i throw in some chunks of garlic and a bunch of butter and baste the steak.

Where can I find illustrated workouts? I hate having to google each exercise one by one.
Does picrel look good for arms day?

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>20 second rests
>10-12 reps
holy fucking what

>I hate having to google each exercise one by one.
nigga what? you have to do this once then you can remember how to do it. and you should have your program written down so you don't forget. wtf are you doing?

>I hate having to google each exercise one by one.
Do you have the memory of a fucking goldfish? Google them once, then remember them. Or... GASP, save the fucking image???

>Does picrel look good for arms day
No, it does not. There are much better exercises you can do, but if you *only* have access to dumbbells, then... well you could definitely do worse than this

>9 7 5 3

this is fucking awful. Quit getting shitty workouts from literal who websites and do a proper routine

>TFW injured myself again
>Lose another week of progress at least
Is it even possible or over 30s to get big?

>the best pump
ignore this retard


>reminder: most goysauce found in supermarket barely pass as spiced up ketchup

dont be a pussy, eat real chilli

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If you're new or returning to hook grip give it some time, and don't force your old overhand numbers on it. Wait for form to sink in and then get back to the real work.