Tony could learn a lot from this man

Tony could learn a lot from this man

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AEW went to shit when Tony started listening to this cuck

He tried to sign him on, but when Tony revealed.he and only he would be handling the booking, Cornette told him to fuck off

Tony listens to you?

the only thing Cornette has had any influence on is FTR, and that hasn't backfired whatsoever

Cornette is so out of touch it's so fucking funny, the simple fact that everyone on AEW including Tony for some reason listens to his shitty podcast is ridiculous and probably one of the reason the booking has been so shitty this whole year.

>9D chess move to ruin AEW by pretending to like it so Tony listens to you
he still got it

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>out of touch
Explain why, the only thing he's had any influence on is FTR and they got over organically

Did he fire every indie basedman who's made their name wrestling blow up dolls and doing invisible hand grenade spots? If not, then he's not listening to the most important advice.

The only one of these podcasts I've ever heard that should be listened to is fucking Konnan's. I got recommended one recently and checked a few out and holy shit. He's the only one with his head screwed on properly and makes proper criticisms.

What influence? If there was any influence, FTR would have already won the AEW tag titles from the Bucks.

First of all everything he talks about is based on bias. He keeps shitting on the Bucks and Omega but tries to defend Adam Cole because he was his favorite in NXT. FTR keeps dropping shitty promos after shitty promos since they went face plus FTR is an embarrassment on twitter but Cornette keeps shilling them. He can't decide whether or not he likes comedy and goofy angles or absolutely despises them because it solely depends on the wrestler that is doing them.

That's not fair, once Cole was brought into the Elite he rapidly started turning on him. Because that's what he does. "You publicly like this person I don't? Well fuck you."

>Konnan's podcast

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how to go out of business?

So that just further proves that everything he does or says is based on personal bias, like the time he cut off his longtime friendship with Jericho over differences in political ideologies.

He is weirdly biased against anything he associates with people he blindly hates. And despite being a career comedy goof and marrying a woman who is only known for being involved with a meta comedy indy fed, he is completely dismissive of comedy.
That being said, like 80% of his criticism is spot on and he at least knows how a story works. It's not hard to rip any aew angle apart because they make no sense, but he is the only person who really does it properly.

If Omega had never gone to Japan for an awards shwo while he was unfit to wrestle Jim would be praising the fuck out of him today. It's unironically comedy to go back to some older podcasts before he either started working his opinions harder, or just got worked into an even harder seethe where he'll say Omega is good but not the greatest ever, then having to have a little rant to himself after about how awful of a person Omega is to balance out the seethe.

Hey I can only comment on what I heard, and I heard the most level-headed and actionable critique.

He could learn how to push antidraws like Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. He could learn how to get cancelled for being a chud. He could learn how to beat off when wrestlers fuck fat women in front of his watchful eyes

YOSHIHIKO is unironically a better wrestler and has way better and more notable matches and programs than most of aew's roster, despite being a sex doll.
AEW's most popular guys and moments have all been bad rip-offs of DDT stuff.

Tony is pandering because he wants the rasslin fans

He could learn to to lose dimes

>What influence? If there was any influence, FTR would have already won the AEW tag titles from the Bucks.
That's two fold, FTR wouldn't have gained the momentum they have if it wasn't for Cornette calling out Tony for not using them on the podcasts, but Tony is too much of a pussy bitch to upset his "friends" so he keeps giving FTR alternative titles like the IWGP, ROH, and AAA titles
His shitting on Omega and the Bucks is warranted because they're one trick ponies that do the same fight/variation of the same fight every fucking match and it looks fucking ridiculous. The bucks have lost the crowd, especially considering at one of the last events they were part of the crowd was chanting FTR during the time the Bucks were out there. How in the fuck are you going to tell me FTR is worse at promos than the Bucks and Omega? Both of them are complete garbage because Matt is an idiot, Nick has nothing to say, and Kenny sucks but comes off creepy with his breathy voice
Watch the promo FTR did for the last ROH ppv before they fought the Briscoes for the second time

>First of all everything he talks about is based on bias.
he seethes about people exposing the business, but defended Nattie when she no sold Liv's finsher. Just because Nattie is a Neidhart

To further add to your point, he liked Takeshita and was turning into his biggest fan before he learned he was from DDT.

He can be petty asf.

Every time FTR bald opens him mouth I fell like ripping my hair and his twitter rants only make it worse

Everybody shits on Cody for muh dady, but FTR bald going muh daughter is KINO

because he wrestler a fucking blow up doll at a live event, it's stupid and it exposes the business, which Jim hates so I understand. It's also the same reason why he hates Kenny and Ibushi
So which Buck are you? Balding or pieface?

Cornette has too much bias and is too petty to book a slightly bigger promotion than the mudshow he had in the 90s.

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What a shitty opinion considering VKM was running the most successful promotion for 40 years based on his bias

yeah he should get a landwhale wife and force the whole rooster to fuck her

Like what? How to be out of touch and hyper biased?

>FTR wouldn't have gained the momentum they have if it wasn't for Cornette calling out Tony for not using them on the podcasts

FTR have literally always had at least a somewhat prominent position in AEW. Them losing was the start of The Elite being the top dogs. Wow, maybe they don't get to be the top when the story is quite literally about the screwy heels running through the company. Hell FTR's current push even started with them taking a surprise win from the then Champion Lucha Brothers. So no, don't give me this smoothbrain bullshit, the actual evidence is that Cornette is full of shit about this and the time between now and when FTR eventually do get the AEW tag titles is doing this thing called "building anticipation"

>FTR keeps dropping shitty promos after shitty promos since they went face plus FTR is an embarrassment on twitter but Cornette keeps
lol this user thinks Any Forums is the entire wrestling community, god forbid dudes have promos about putting food on the table rather than promos about their workrate or having high rated matches

>So which Buck are you? Balding or pieface?
calm down Brian I know you love to pucker up your lips to kiss his ass but we are trying to talk here.

What fucking rose to Ted glasses are you looking through bud? I guess you're forgetting the months and months where FTR was taking no s IF they were getting on TV at all. The only smoothie rained bullshit is actually believing TK gave the AAA titles to FTR as part of "long term storylines". Get the fuck out with that bullshit, TK is flying by the bottle of his Adderall
Oh hi Brandon, doing they're laundry as usual eh bud?

Who cares about a match that would be more unknown if he wasn't so petty about it? Like, I had to look up that match against the doll, and the video I found had like 17 likes only.

At the end of the day, he is playing himself by seething so much about those matches because he is giving them more exposure. He could ignore them, as a lot of time has passed ever since that shit, but he fixates in them too much.