Rare moves

What are some moves you just never see in wrestling? Here's some random jobber in mid 90s WWF hitting a cobra clutch suplex.

Attached: u2vv.gif (300x200, 1.66M)

Pretty sure this is the only recorded instance of this move and one of a handful that ever happened.

Attached: toyota aja kong victory star drop.webm (934x720, 2.94M)

>Phil Lafon
>some random jobber
this board is fucking embarrassing

Thats just a snapdragon but with a chokehold

That’s fuckin scary

holy shit, dangerously based Manami

Not saying it's a great move or anything but I'm not aware of other Break-a-Bitch users other than Angelina Love

Attached: EAcCuk.gif (320x180, 1.56M)

I want to see a superplex off the top rope but to the outside of the ring so badly

This was my finisher in my backyard fed and then this bitch came along and everyone called me a faggot

Black Crush was also used once, to my knowledge.
When a move is so dangerous AJW wrestlers become weary of taking it, it's bound to be pretty nuts.

Attached: kobashi akiyama black crush.webm (630x470, 2.89M)

seriously, fucking retarded people

For me, it's the Moonsault Styles Clash

Attached: udXbsad8SMMiNWfde6vdRiGE1z3zlZ5e3THpHE4qfeU.webm (720x540, 1.66M)

this looks retarded im sorry

lmao that midget Taz used to literally do that all the time


The guy taking the move said he didn't want to do it and it fucked him up badly

Ibushi's 24 Sai was also used pretty sparingly. Wonder why.

Attached: 24 sai.webm (600x335, 910.61K)

i didnt mean dangerous, i meant it looks cartoonish and non realistic

Someone post diamond head

aka The Sack of Shit Drop

shooting star press leg drop. pretty sure it's never been done.

Attached: brpMe_.gif (320x240, 2.15M)


lmao faggot. you are a homosexual

Here ya go, bro.

Attached: diamond head.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

undeniably based

The pearl river plunge, the greatest finisher of all time, with the greatest name of all time, used by the worst wrestler of all time.

has anyone ever done a leg drop-pedigree? you double underhook them for a pedigree, then on your way down, you kick a leg out over their neck? kinda like a fame-asser, but with a double underhook and their head between your legs

What is this supposed to be? Looks like a botch


all their moves looked like botches, that's why it was so great, it was actual work rate wrestling not choreographed dancing.

Nobody really knows. Kobashi said he was debuting a new move called the Diamond Head, Kanemaru got his shoulder fucked so bad he had to be stretchered out, and Kobashi retired it. Most people say it's supposed to be a powerbomb setup into a DDT but afaik there's no confirmation either or.

what about a canadian destroyer-style DDT where you lock the head, hook the leg, and do a frontflip and they land on their head?
