The Sarray push begins tonight visual chads

The Sarray push begins tonight visual chads

Attached: 6DDACFF5-65B0-4D15-897D-6D2E3262DFC1.jpg (1920x1080, 325.78K)

sarray want bmc

After all, Sarray is the future of NXT

Attached: boo2.webm (586x400, 124.24K)

She needs to gain weight

please sirs, I'm seeking the webm of Sarray murdering Xia Brookside. Anyone have it?

Attached: WWE.NXT.UK.July.07.2022.HD (1).webm (1280x720, 2.35M)


Attached: dana-white.gif (220x124, 75.03K)

thank you fren. crazy clip

How does this not kill her opponent

she got her hands up

its so disgusting how fat she is now after moving to america.

Sarray too fat and short

Sarray is most likely losing. Whether it’s a no disqualification finish or whatever, I don’t see her walking away as the NXT Women’s Champion. She could lose some weight. She’s like Iyo Sky and Asuka, not able to speak English where the audience can understand. She’s not over.

the rope absorbs most of the energy

>How does this not kill her opponent
There are ways to absorb some of the blow but obviously it's going to hurt to some extent. FWIW, Xia spent time in Stardom so something this brutal is nothing new to her and probs why she took it like a champ (and why Sarray went as hard as she did).

whiteys btfo

It's fake. She goes backwards with the kick


why is she fat

Thanks, Dave. I would never have guessed. Smarky twat.

sarray > moonface