Takes her ball and goes home barely a year since return

>takes her ball and goes home barely a year since return


Typical woman behavior , how you can you trust these fickle beings with anything ?

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>accomplishes more, draws more and has better matches in less time than CM Punketty ever did
>is a bigger deal in the history books in less time
>is actually a GOAT of our great sport
>works a classic match after suffering a painful injury, doesn't botch her spots
>is shoot tougher, better on the mic, better in the ring, and a better human being than PG Junk

Attached: 1654315120046.jpg (493x298, 17.45K)

>leaves because she stands with VINCE

>was the worst of the 4 hw without question
>gets her nose busted open and suddenly thinks she's tough
>shoehorned herself into Ronda vs Charlotte
>ruined the main event of wrestlemania since she wrestles like Pinnocchio with cancer and cannot apply a proper roll-up
>killed crowd after crowd with a stupid moniker
>cannot act
>cannot cut a decent promo
>0 classic match
>fiend-levels of push
>married to kwab rollins who's just as tough
>still 0 evolution to her character
time won't be kind with your career, biyatch

She's from dublin so you just know she's rode black immigrants.

Every horse gone makes the E better. If they all fucked off, retired or died in a fire at the stables the E might have a shot at having a women's division.

>sounds like an 80 year old smoker
>doesn't sell injuries or forgets which limb to sell
>unathletic even by women's standards
>buries Liv by not getting her foot on the rope, giving Liv a clean loss. Similar to her ruining the finis of WM
>has no friends backstage
>reportedly smells like cabbage


seethe harder Charles.


>sashit fucked off
>charles on yearly summer vacation
>beko breaks her arm
>but bagley returns
8 years since there's been a period with none of them on tv.

God damn, that's the problem. The fucking division is always built around one of them and is like they fucking cooperate to make sure at least one of them is always there.

don't project your mental illness onto others

What happened? Did she quit?

go fuck yourself charlotte


>bayley back
>shitters gone


>Last year SummerSlam
>Sasha no-shows, Becky enters
>This year's SummerSlam
>Becky leaves, Bayley enters
Sasha showed the plot when she quit. They all think working midcard or not being in the title picture is beneath them. So they drop the title because "They are injured" and get vacation time more than Lesnar.

Last year Becky returns at last year SummerSlam and gets the title. Bayley returns and is feuding with the champ. Ronda is "suspended" guess who's sliding in that spot? Either Charlotte or Sasha and it's just going get worse with the guy who only developmental success is now in charge

Trips back in charge means Asuka is allowed to go back to legit kicking the piss out of The Four Horsefaced Women and not doing the PG version of "CHOPPY CHOPPY YOUR WEE WEE!!" that Vince loved.

Holy fuck the left photo looks literally like some actor with a wig but I don't know what actor

Based Becko

>was the worst of the 4 hw without wuestion
Stopped reading right there.