It has been 1 year since Darby Allin called out CM Punk. Since then Darby has...uh

It has been 1 year since Darby Allin called out CM Punk. Since then Darby has...uh.....

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Been buried. Lil nigga's been buried.

no vince?

hey it's not all bad he's feuding with some ring of honor reject now

He needs something. A big win or turn heel on Sting or something. ANYTHING. This dude might as well not even be present on TV with the way he is booked now.

anyone in aew that could remotely be considered a "cody" guy or someone cody helped to build has been fucked

hes a cuck, a midget and a jobber, wuo cares lmao.

He lost to the ghost of Jeff hardy

Eddie, Hangman and Darby have been even less over since their feuds with Punk. Punketty is the kiss of death.

Punk just made it blatant he was burying Hangman

>headcanon intensifies
Darby and Eddie are more over than ever, and Punk had nothing to do with Hangman being antidimes. Not saying Punk helped them, he didn't, but he also didn't hurt their careers or anything.

at least he wasn't literally buried

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The ONLY nigga to get buried by WIINNING coffin matches

Tony pandered to the Twitter idiots so he can't use him because he committed the high crime of dumping a girl for not having sex.

I'm not riding Phil's dick or anything, but what do you want him to do? Darby looks like he's too small to be a fan, let alone a wrestler, and he doesn't have have any charisma, just face paint and a decent theme. Jericho couldn't get him over, Sting couldn't get him over, what's CM Punk going to do? Who even gets over in AEW, besides WWF castoffs? You can't get a guy over if he sucks and he doesn't have anything, even Goldberg had a look.

not gain an inch of height


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>demand sex from a woman: abuse
>woman demands sex from you and you refuse: abuse
we just need this whole shit society to collapse so we can start rebuilding and remember to never give women rights this time

>A big win or turn heel
Well, STING got misted by Malakai like 2 weeks ago

Until he isn't the "how do we put sting on the PPV" guy, he's not gonna be doing stuff for PPV solo unless Sting is hurt. It's literally all about any potential plans they have and how long Darby is cool with that role.

gotten the rub from CM Punk

Kingston and Starks both got started by Cody and their both two of the most over guys on the roster being featured weekly.