This exact scenario plays out in 20 years. Which current wrestler is in each role?

This exact scenario plays out in 20 years. Which current wrestler is in each role?

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Ric Flair will be in the Ric Flair role, retiring again.

Carder = HHH
Bret = Cody
Ric = Seff
Foley = mushed brain

Is Undertaker really there?

what is Brett literally thinking here?

this. Roman will be in Taker's role, Cena in Bret's, and Cody in Foley's

>What a fucking idiot

jarrett retiring and i cant compare anyone from the generation after to bret, mick and undertaker

Mmmm = Sonny Kiss
Ric Flair = Quincy Elliott
Bret = Nyla Rose
Foley = Dustin Rhodes' tranny son

Nah it's just a pretty good shop

Bret never had a high opinion of Flair and probably just figure he'd honor his invute and see him once last time in case he croaked in the ring

He seemed to be pleased for him honestly

Roman is bigger star all of them

Who hurt you?

Ric = Danielson
Taker = Mox
Foley = Punk
Bret = Cena

Bret thought Flair was a sad old man 30 years ago.

Ricky Steamboat ought to be ashamed of himself not being there

Good morning sirs

the people who actually spent time with ric can't stand him. bret, carder, and foley were never friends with the guy.

20 years? Unironically probably Seth Rollins as Ric
Mox, Roman, and HHH in the crowd

Ultimo Guerrero = Ric
Euforia = Bret

Weird smark headcanon, get help

Bret never gave a shit about anyone but himself, so who cares. He's probably autistic.

lol hhh isn't gonna be alive in 20 years much less 2

He’s not a mark

carder had ric in the bsc

Bret thought Ric was fucking old in the 90's. Probably came to laugh his ass off.

>you said you were gonna die fucker…

See, that's the thing.
They're all there to really want to say how much of a dumbass he is.
But they play the sympathy card instead.

You got that phrase the wrong way around matey

If I had known Bret would be there, I woulda gone! Damn it. I'd give anything to stab a pencil in his neck.

Cope. Last night match is bigger than all their matchs.

Bret Hart is 65 and could still kick the shit out of you in a fair fight and that's a shoot brother.
But you're a typical Any Forums bitch, and you'd probably stab him from behind.

kek sure