Loved By smarks

>Loved By smarks
>Loved by anti-smarks
>loved by meltzer
>Loved By Jim Cornette
>went from booed to cheered after one match
>Succesful in any venture he is involved in
>AEW And WWE fans can agree on one thing that hes a star
Is there a better wrestler than logan paul

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anti-white beta cuck faggot

you lost the culture war, move on with your life. your entire race is being bred out of existence and the most fight you can muster is bitching on the internet like a faggot rofl

>you lost the culture war
The war's just begun. tranny pedos are what got regular people on the nazi's side in Weimer Germany. You kikes can't help but keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. Only this time, the gas chambers will be real.

sounds like he should be the face of the company. Only question is, why hasn't it happened yet, and what are they waiting for?

Sure there will yah fuckin geek. Keep making your threads on the internet while we breed your women and indoctrinate your children rofl You lost chud, it's unironically over for you and the most sad part is that you are actively helping the process along LOL

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jewish hubris is a hell of a drug

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Shut up fatfuck

>is there a better...
A lot of guys, he is still green and chokes on the mic on "what?" chants. But he is promising, entertaining and I hope he does well.

All talk, no action from you snow apes. Talk a big game but you're too scared to leave your house and anytime you do you just add more fuel to the fire. You'll never give up your precious creature comforts, you're too scared lol Now post some more memes you spend all your time making BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

we don't sign our posts here

>The war's just begun. tranny pedos are what got regular people on the nazi's side in Weimer Germany. You kikes can't help but keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. Only this time, the gas chambers will be real.
Do it. What are you waiting for? Fucking do it! You keep yapping, and then when you finally make your move, you shit your pants, go home, and then pretend it never happened in the first place.
You're fucking pathetic.

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> flossing his pristine W/L record
> stipulated that he must always be booked as a good guy
He's already a prodigy in going into business for himself, kid's going to fit right in.

>blah blah blah I'm a huge faggot
cool story kike

crowd goes crazy for him

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rofl white boy is bubblin

>why do they persecute me so

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Polcel mad as fuck lmao

When you're staring into a pit full of bodies awaiting the bullet, I want you to remember: you did this to yourself.

way too easy to trigger these geeks, it's barely fun anymore

>Sure there will yah fuckin geek. Keep making your threads on the internet while we breed your women and indoctrinate your children
This is a seething 600lb polcuck trying to convince other people to do things on his behalf because he's too much of a coward to do anything himself. What a transparent and pathetic larp.

dilate faggot