Just wanted to let you guys know that prune juice is no joke. Drink no more than 8 oz...

Just wanted to let you guys know that prune juice is no joke. Drink no more than 8 oz, and definitely don't drink the whole bottle.

Attached: 1648445950030.jpg (823x900, 101.19K)


snibedi snab :DDD

this mfer better be painting from dreams

How long does it take to kick in?
Theoretically what would happen if a girl came over for drinks and I served her drinks with prune juice in them?

Imagine unironically drinking juice

What the fuck is that at the end of your post?

I like apple justice, but that’s it. And cran grape.

Any Forums has added emotes

>he doesn't know

huh? everything alright big guy?

what the fuck how?

lets freakin gooooo


This can't be happening

my god... what have you done

I don't think you could get a Boston terrier to pose that long


Bro how do I use emotes?

I laughed audiby to this. Thanks user

Probably windows key then full stop