How do you stop him?

How do you stop him?

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I couldn't

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I would stop him with my own rock hard horn.

Grab the horn and flip it over.

A retard made this. What the fuck is a dolphin going to do? A bear would rip you into pieces for fun, same with a gorilla. And no fucking way you are touching a charging rhino, you are fucked.

How the fuck do you even fight a shark? Not even an army of Hafthors could stop a small shark


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gouge the eyes then start pounding the nose

Dolphins ram you to death with their nose. They are large animals, very fast and strong in water

I'd take my chances fighting a fucking dolphin over a shark any day of the week

like a torero, i would confuse it in to which side im going right?, then I grab the horn and use it as a support to get on the rhino's head from there idk what i would do.............. i think i'd scream in it's ears because their eyes are shit already

i bite him

You'd be swinging your arms around very close to an incredibly powerful mouth, underwater... I mean, I admire the bravery but you're in its domain and you'd fucking die

How do you “beat” a whale? I feel like a stalemate would be considered victory in that one

yeah probably but i wouldn't make it easy for that shark nigga. i mean if you actually manage to get an eye he might back off

>finish banana
>drop peel at my feet
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
>hear large flip and put sunglasses on

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u let yourself be swallowed and eat it from the inside.
Wait, it has a hole for air you can jus block it

A blue whale would eat you and then spit you out. If you consider that a "win" for your tiny human ass

They can hold their breath for so long though, surely if you blocked its hole it could dive down and you'd drown long before it suffocated. And I'm assuming you're not allowed to block it with a tool because if we're allowed tools we could beat any animal

I'm sorry dude you can't fight a fucking horse or a cow, they weigh as much as a car, you'd die

Is there an animal with similar strength to humans relative to their size? Or are we the most pathetic weakest lifeform on Earth?

*cocks gun* yep we are

what a poor attitude

A whale can make noises loud enough to burst your eardrums. It doesn't even need to do anything to you directly really.

>he hasn’t gone full bugsmode

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