
Would you do it?

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Not for $300

>Athlean X exist

Are middle eastern royal families that retarded?

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>Paying to hear his annoying voice while he trains you

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kramer got swole af

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Why all roid fags want to scam?
All the roiders I know are personal trainners

They're that rich
This is literally the same as you paying 5$/year for a full body coach. Actually it's not, because they're richer.
As I've gotten better jobs in life (lord knows not rich-rich, but I make 180k after bonuses), I literally dont give a fuck about some things I used to.
I subscribe to green chef and pretty much every streaming service that exists, and I rarely use any of it. Mind you, green chef per month with 4x meals is ~$400/month. And that's before I factor in groceries.
I max out my roth IRA and have 10% into 401k (matched to 6%), and I'm booked for retiring "early". I just have too much money at this point and don't care.
Clearly, 40k/year for a trainer is dumb as fuck to do. But not if I have roughly unlimited money. royal families most likely pay several of these types (for 100k+/year) and forgot about those payments years ago, and/or use the dude like 2 months/year and just forget about them the rest of the year. They literally wouldn't notice the money difference.

because they need more and more money for more and more roidz. Literal addicts.

yeah 40k is less than a drop in the bucket for those people, but I'm calling them retarded for hiring this particular roid monkey

If you’re a top IFBB pro, actor or top tier fitness model with money and motivation then yes, of course. For literally ANYONE else, no.

He coaches Middle Easterners?

I bet his 1 on 1 coaching is over the phone and mostly texts or whatsapp messages too too.

This is a smart move by Greg and probably a fair price.

Like him or not, Greg has the attention of millions of people, and those millions look to him as an authority on fitness. He is making at least $1M per year off YouTube, and a ton more on supplements and his stupid cookbook. So his time is both very valuable, but limited because of all the other things he does.

So for it to be worth it for him to do 1 on 1 training, it has to pay a ton.
Assuming .01% of the people watching his channel have a shit ton of money and also want Greg to personally coach them, he will still have more people wanting to be his client than he can possibly serve. So he can then pick and choose clients, and make an additional ~$400k-$600k per year off just training.

>I bet his 1 on 1 coaching is over the phone and mostly texts or whatsapp messages too too.

People paying that amount will expect a weekly Zoom call, plus him being very responsive over text, email etc. The higher pricing means less other clients, so the ones he does have get his full attention.

He's kind of annoying but realistically this is what being a massive YouTube celebrity gets you. Tons of ways to earn obnoxious amounts of money.

>give him 40k
>cant even promise he'll respond to you in the same day

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Well I sure stand corrected. Amazingly shameless money grab by Greg.

He's probably in the top 1% of trainers for expertise. Your average PT is a college dropout who gives worse advice than google.

Also, why do all the PTs I see at the gym program battle ropes, medicine balls and other nonsense? I've never seen a client doing barbell lifts or anything remotely efficient

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I knew a doctor who charged $50,000 to basically be on call for patients.

He looks fine. Why would he let people pay to ruin his body?

>I need to sleep and have a life
what an asshole way to put it
you have a fucking job that's what you have
and your job is to fucking answer the fucking messages