Is beyond meat good for gains?

is beyond meat good for gains?

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ayo this nigga eating burger made of grass


Literally says no onions on the package you illiterate retard.

They are fine OP.

Buy whats cheapest, thats what I do and I fuck your mom twice per week

I would rather eat grass and then burgers made of of my excrement than eat those.

60 million times the amount of estrogen that's in a normal burger

60,000,000 * 0 = 0

This shit is the most meme worthy thing I've seen come out of the modern world

>More expensive than regular meat
>Made of products that get shipped from 3rd world countries on cargo ships damaging the enviroment way more than locally sourced meat ever could
>Said 3rd world countries still use animal labor alongside child labor

Yes it's very healthy. Don't question anything goy I mean guy, meat is bad

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I see nothing wrong

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surprise chemicals, addictives and sugar.

also not being meat.

I worked fast food when this shit was making its first rounds and this is literally nigger cattle bug people food that shouldnt be consumed by anyone

>canola oil

Attached: _Added Calories oil.png (324x549, 18.83K)

It's not even good for eating in general. It's vile. When the panic over covid started the stores were cleaned out of everything...but this shit was left on the shelf. That should tell you everything. NO ONE WANTS IT. NO ONE BUYS IT. It's a scam they push onto us for some reason.

Too much acids and oil. Will fuck ur anus up

Impossible is decently tasty as a changeup but still doesn't taste like meat

isnt that the basis of the murrican diet

Had one of these at mc donalds once. They didn't cook it all the way and you could still see the white spots

375 grams of carbs. Holy shit

It's a jewish scheme.
They want humiliate the goyim by making us eat bugs and inedible frankenfood trash while they feast on brisket.