Wins world title of a dead promotion in an opening match

>wins world title of a dead promotion in an opening match
>"You deserve it!" chants
Why was this treated like it was a big deal?

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Why do you care so much, bitchtits? Oh wait, you don't. Another fake concern thread.

it wasn't did you see the size of the crowd?

I'm not gonna chant "you deserve it" until the day of OPs funeral.

Yeah it was a huge crowd

The ROH title isn't a world title.

Because Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards somehow managed to get reigns with that belt while Claudio and Hero had to settle for tag gold.

People love Claudio and thought it was a big deal. That's really all that matters.

He was mistreated by the FED BAD

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smarks aren't people

kek, fair enough

>that gigatarp

every promotion is dead now
not only is kino off the menu, there is no menu anymore

Because him as a World Champion has been the smarks wet dream for almost a decade

It was an amazing moment

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Cause its the 3rd biggest world title in USA and his first world title

its not even a world title. its like AEWs IC belt

Take your meds ojama

He was PWG world champ

Brother, PWG is an indie fed. Nobody on earth watched that. Just because they call it a world title doesnt mean it's a real title. Same for ROH

and yet here you are, in all of your glory. the bitch with the tits #StandingUpForWWE

he hasn't been given a world title anywhere he has been before despite being a better wrestler than 90% of the guys who did instead of him

Because Vince never gave him a world title run

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Guys I thought AEW couldn't keep up with ticket sales?

>you deserve some belt from a dead z-list fed

yeah what a big deal