Whats in your protein shake?

What do the gym bros on Any Forums put in their protein shake? Isolated whey and....?

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Ice and water. I like it cold and the ice helps it stir around.


Well thanks OP
I was going to go to bed but now im monitoring to see if any crackpot puts anything stupid in their shake like bacon grease or eggshells

protein powder
a lil agave nectar
an unironically onions milk

Breakfast shake
>Orange juice, spinach, kale, raw eggs
>Mango juice, carrot, raw eggs
Post workout shake
>Banana, whey, raw milk, raw eggs

What the fuck is an onions milk

Dumb newfag

Protein power, whole milk & pic rel because myprotein.com vanilla tastes like cancer.

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Word detection turns söy to onions


Pussy juice for maximum test boost


2 years buddy boy. captcha: gayr8

Pea protein powder
Unsweetened cocoa
Home made almond milk or full fat milk
Sometimes erythrit (until the bag is empty, not sure wether I should buy something like that again)

Banana, blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries
Protein powder
Sometimes ice cream, Hershey's syrup, or Nesquik if I'm feeling a bulk


>raw eggs
hows it taste? i always hate if there's uncooked white in a fried egg

Milk and whey, around 40g of protein

>ON double rich chocolate protein powder
>Sigurdsson Skyr Icelandic yogurt (natural flavour)

Like a (nice) choco milkshake. Mix the protein powder plus water first though before adding the yogurt, or it gets clumped up.

Trick I learned is that to prevent getting clumps you first add powder to almost no water/milk, like 20ml, so it has not enough liquid to surround powder. It basically turns into chocolate syrup