How does a movie star go from alpha chad george of the jungle into looking like a typical dad who gave up in life

how does a movie star go from alpha chad george of the jungle into looking like a typical dad who gave up in life

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He gave up on life

Sexual molestation. I'm not kidding.

By giving up on life

This plus divorce rape. He also had some significant health issue from memory

California and meth. Monkeybone, too, probably.

>do meth
>get fat

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He hit the wall.

it happens more then you realize. Not all speed junkies get skinny. Some actually put on weight. I know a few fat meth heads.

That's what the USA courts do to a man when a women is ready to move on.

Me too, ironically a lot of drug addicts I know/have known were fat as fuck. I’m the only skinny pillhead I know tell me about it I have not heard of his molestation

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are most americans financially illiterate? didnt he know what a trust is? didnt he know he could remove his ex wife as a beneficiary at any given time? didnt he know women are opportunistic by nature? so much to unravel

You can literally be court ordered to put her back on the trust user...

I too am a pill-head. I fucking love speed.

Raped by gay kikes

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Whole story as told to a reporter:

It wasn't about a trust or a split, it was Alimony.

>Your wife is used to the kind of like that $900,000 per year generates
>You must provide her $900,000 per year
>Also no one is going to hire you suddenly so you don't make any money.

I'm not kidding. Some producer must've worked with the judge and his "wife" because together they ruined his life in a way that's not legally imaginable.

>raped by jews
>suffer extreme injuries
>divorce raped by wife
Sometimes life just shits all over a man.

too long. summarize it in a sentence

got molested by a harvey weinstein esque producer, divorced, had to pay millions in alimony, fucked up his back.

I guess sometimes life just fucks you over for seeming no reason