You have to put one feet behind the other

>You have to put one feet behind the other
Fucking hell so I’ve been doing it wrong all this time and I’ve been at risk of breaking my spine?

Attached: 25CDE758-13CE-4419-9760-302594AD3AE1.jpg (500x300, 14.76K)

Yes but you have to change which foot is in front of the other with every rep, to balance it out. I often get scared and worried looks while walking towards people while pressing, but you gotta do what you gotta do

>wide grip OHP

This is a snatch not a OHP

not true at all. watch any video about ohp no one does it like that

Hits the side delts better, but may fuck up your rotator cuffs.

they all do it wrong

lmao based retard

Also the solution to getting your deadlift up. It alters your center of balance and interferes more with force transfer, making it a harder, more efficient exercise.

Genius here, throw the barbell next time.

No shit nigga

my wrists hurt just from looking at this pic

You didn't know. Now you know. Be grateful.

Wait seriously?

it's something something about taking strain off body parts that keep you from falling forward or backward

made me lol

you can do it both ways, but its easier to balance with one foot slightly behind
i did it like this when i first started, and then moved on to parallel feet
maybe when i'll add more weight i'll go back..

Parallel is the way to go. If you put one foot in front of the other your abs gains will be off. Yes OHP (if you actually do it right) also hits abs and obliques etc.

You’re gonna have to post more pictures of snatches if we’re to get anywhere with this. Tight ones

If you're having trouble balancing during an overhead press, it's because you're not moving the bar in a straight line (a.k.a. you're doing the exercise wrong) or your core is weak.

contract legs and gl00ts if you want to be stable and not fuck your spine