He doesn't have a cheese cave

>he doesn't have a cheese cave

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As a Frenchman I find this abhorrent

Okay Abdul


As an Italian I am gilded.

Been cheese making for a couple of years now and just finished my first parm! It tastes so good, guys.
The cheddar is pretty good too. Any videos you watch?

the government has like 4 pounds of cheese for me? that's so sweet

Why are french so judgy?

I'm literally 1000.1% french don't you ever remind me that my home is being invaded en masse by third world slime
Zemmour will win and get em out

Try living in France you will see why my friend.

it's very far, can you just tell me why pls? My oma is dutch and the family i've seen over there don't seem like that as much, but maybe it's just cause im family and we less judgy here in US

ok Mahmoud

>I'm literally 1000.1% french
The horror

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Dunno why but France is in this depressive blue period Rn
I always thought my country was very sensitive to change and right now she's going hard with the globohomo times, she's like an abused woman, all sad and holding back tears but still cucking everyone who lives there like an overprotective mother
I yearn for the days where France was a masculine powerhouse of Europe and French were at the centre of culture, intellectualism and military strength
We'll get back there soon enough
Yeah rooted mate cause an Arab would shit talk his own people fucking moron
Can't shame me bitch I radiate pure confidence

>my political beliefs and ideals are better than yours because reasons

Based. Rooting for you boys over there. Best wishes from America.

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They're our oldest ally you midwit.

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Rooting for you cheese boy.
Tbh, fuck ukraine. Borris should be sending arms to get the niggers out of France. If they take France, the UK is next.

Give em hell froggie, you guys are a bunch of pompous pricks but that's what I love about ya. Best wishes from burgerland

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who the fuck are you, shut up faggot

I’m polish śaka aryan dumb forest ape