What's the best way to quit this liquid poison...

What's the best way to quit this liquid poison? i know most of you will say go cold turkey but i've tried but the addiction is extremely strong. I've been fed this poison since i was literally a baby and haven't stopped since. I need help, doctors can't help me because they just give generic advice and don't know my situation.

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Slowly ween off and keep a bottle in the house so you don't feel psychologically trapped. If you reduce your daily intake by half a glass every week then that's progress. Don't push too hard then binge. I'm guessing you've tried diet coke?

Shits delicious

just dont drink it you fat fuck there is nothing easier than not doing something it requires zero effort. it requires effort to actually procure a bottle and open it then drink it

My cheat meal is every two weeks and i drink a can of Coke.
It's not so hard.

Diet caffeine free version.

Attached: pepsi-max-launches-caffeine-free-cola.jpg (512x352, 81.77K)

stop buying it though?

i drink a can of coca cola every day, so i can't really ween off it, i either don't drink it or i do but if i don't drink the 1 can, the addiction is really bad and i can't help myself. Today i went the whole day without any sugar and ate clean and at midnight i had a can because i couldn't help myself.

aspartame is worse than cane sugar.

i don't really buy it all the time, my family has it so it's hard to stop when it's so easily available everywhere i go. Even on days there's none, i will go to the shop late at night just to get a can because the addiction is so strong. I feel off if i don't have it, like something's missing.

Water fast for 7 days.

the thing that weened me off of coca cola was realizing how much literal mind control they use in their advertising. that quenching feeling you get in your mind is really just mind tricks, you're mostly dehydrating yourself.

drink half or leave a sip at the bottom. if you can't do that try drinking half then drinking the rest in an hour


no it’s not retard

yes it is, you've clearly done no research kiddo. keep drinking that diet cancer.

Drink maybe half a can during one of your meals, water rest of the day

post body

I drink alot of diet soda, but im in good shape. What are the reprecussions of this? does it make u bloat

First you have to break the habit entirely, go cold turkey and stop being a bitch. Then after about a year or so of no soda you can start drinking Coke Zero every now and then.

Source: my feelings
Aspartame is one of the most heavily studied substances in history. It's literally just two amino acids stuck together.

I did soda > soda plus monster > just monster > monster and lots of water > tea and water before. Also did monster > no-caffeine seltzer waters for a long time before falling back into sodas. Currently I'm drinking a fair bit of diet soda because I'm trying not to overdo it with the monster which was giving me anxiety attacks.

One good way to start might be to load up a cup absolutely full of ice, then fill in the rest with soda and sip it very slowly. It'll be watered down and if you really go slow with the sips you can stretch it out. Alternatively, if you want to keep up the caffeine, sip on a monster while drinking large amounts of water between sips.

long term usage = cancer, liver damage, and other, cane sugar is better than aspartame but corn syrup is the worst.

Literally just drink coffee. If you need the dopamine from sweetness, do one pump sugar free vanilla. Stop drinking monster

if you really have to do it in baby steps (you don't desu) dilute it with sparkling water for few first weeks
gradually increase the water/poison ratio

None of that is true except corn syrup LMAO

Once I saw what was in it (worked in a restraunt), I found it hard to even consider drinking the stuff.
OP, you should drink it warm, and open it about an hour before drinking. Then you'll see the true nature of that goo syrup