What are you doing to combat the horrors of Diet Culture?

Every day millions of Americans are subjected to countless images, memes, texts and artwork demonstrating fit people living an unhealthy lifestyle, restricting their calories in an effort to look skinny. Modern Science has shown you can be big and healthy. Its time we fight back against the billion-dollar weight loss industry and reject diet culture!

Attached: what-is-diet-culture-5194402_final_text-ddfea00e2c57411ebda98231ea32edbf.png (1333x1000, 225.65K)

unironically "trans-healthy is healthy"

I'm yelling "Black Lives Matter" inside every gym.

Based black king unfollowing the white whore

i hate the rainbow of fagots on this image

>majority is at least overweight
>diet culture
Fatties are retarded

nigger stop stuffing your fucking mouth you're not meant to be fat you stupid fuck

I like to eat extremely healthy, as in perfectly bio food and mineral water, because I waste zero money on entertainment or junk food of any sort, so I enjoy making my fat uni classmates extremely insecure and guilty by gagging when I see their food

"my legs can run a mile without stopping''

that's 10 min run on very slow pace, do normie even try ?

hes sprinting

what's funny is that depending on the degree of fat acceptance indoctrination the top center one would be considered toxic and ableist. so just sit back an watch as they will eat each other alive over the pettiest shit

>my legs can run a mile without stopping
What the actual fuck is this bullshit? My legs instead of simply I can run a mile without stopping. This is some serious depersonalization shit, often seen in suicidal people or those suffering from borderline. Like it's not myself, no it's just my body or in this case - a part of it. My legs can do this, the other guy's legs can do that but that doesn't define my nor the other guy... This makes me both sad and sure... I am sure that those fat acceptance people sometimes go way overboard and are literally sick in the head. Not all of them, but this propaganda pic definetly is.

haha imagine you're out for a run, or rather your legs are, and someone asks you how fast you can run a mile.
>my legs can run a mile in six minutes
you'd sound like an absolute retard

How many Any Forumsizens can actually run a mile without stopping?

sorry, how many Any Forumsizen legs can run a mile without stopping?

ok srs question:
what if one Any Forumsizen's left leg could run a mile without stopping, but the right one can't? Would he just spin around in a miraculous circle until he drilled himself underground or would he hop further one legged?

lol someone should start making infographics about "fat culture"

I never understood the woman thing where they get mad when they see some girl better then her. If I see some dude with nice physique it only motivates me to get better

>What are you doing to combat the horrors of Diet Culture?
I don't spend time with fat people or non whites

Why is it so hard for normies to just not eat garbage?

An untrained person cannot even do that. A mile is very generous.

Can confirm. I can only go 1/4th of a mile before I have to slow my pace. Though I have asthma, so it's not entirely fair.