
Is this retarded or based?

(Basically it's walking but with a lot of weight in your backpack)

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>retarded or based

t. wanting to say you train like the military but dont actually want to join the military

Not good for the spine or joints. Basically another CrossFit type meme.

It’s retarded, if you want you can do low weight and low speed but anything more will mess your joints up and there’s not great benefits to it. The military only does it because they have to, and a very large amount of veterans have joint problems because of it

I mean it's fucking retarded, objectively, if you're not intentionally trying to move that weight to a place, do a thing, and return. bringing 60-90lbs of gear to a camp site or hunting, etc.

if you want cardio go for a run
farmers walks and actual lifting for the rest, walking with weight for the sake of walking with weight is autism, even in the army (9 yrs 11b and 19d) we never fucking rucked just to ruck, we'd ruck out to do a range or whatever other training, and ruck back, but we'd never just ruck as a replacement for PT in the morning or something. and even then we usually just hop in a bus or truck because nobody actually wants to do any of that shit and physical fitness is ultimately each soldier's responsibility.

It's based. Let's cardio be harder for you and conditions you to move with extra weight on you.
All it will do is strengthen them if you aren't a genetic dead end.

It's basically thru hiking but more retarded. I did a thru hike of the CDT and had 25-45 pounds on my back on average if I recall correctly. I would Skip out on New Mexico entirely though and just do Montana to Colorado, sobo.

It's retarded unless you are training for the military or backcountry hunting. I do incline treadmill with my loaded hunting pack for a three weeks prior to my hunts. I don't think it has a place in normal training.

Bullshit fucking lying POG

It is going to kill your knees and joints if you go too heavy, just like running, and basically any high impact trash
Pretty much every militaryfag are forced to do them constantly and they all have joint issues, you just won't see them having the balls to admit, and just cope with their permanent pain

I've rucked farther with a heavier pack up worse mountains than anyone on this fucking board, so listen to me and me only. Its retarded if you're not doing it for a specific purpose. Destroys your knees and hips like none other. What are you hoping to accomplish? Are you looking to ruck run with 45lbs or go the distance with a big boy pack? Either way, you're in for joint pain like you've never felt before

calling it "rucking" is pretty fucking gay

as a modality, meh. obviously good preparation for carrying weight around, but I've tracked my heart rate doing this shit and on the flat with up to 65lb I'm still nowhere near sensible training heart rates for unladen running unless I shuffle/jog/goose-step. conversely, on hills, I can usually get my heart rate into sensible training zones walking without a pack. so why carry extra weight (beyond water/lunch/maybe an extra layer or something) instead of just walking/running unladen as terrain dictates?

on the other hand, all this
>you'll hurt yer knees
stuff is garbage too, it's just walking with weight on your back. my 65yo 115lb mom carries around ~15lb of camera stuff and a water bottle for a mile or two a day because her doctor told her it was good for her bone density and she doesn't want to actually lift. there is probably a volume and intensity that will work for you if you want to make it work. if you just jump right in to airborne-shuffling 12mi in 2.5hr with 100lb, that's a different story, but you could say the same about rapidly cranking up volume and intensity with any activity.

Enjoy your stay in Shin Splint City user

>reddit spacing
>sub 90 IQ opinion
No wonder

Oh ill admit it alright. Every time someone is in the rack next to me and my knees crack LOUDLY during every fucking rep, and they stare like I'm gunna fuckin die, I say "old military stuff. Hate it so much" and then laugh a little. It doesn't hurt, but its loud

Retarded but no more retarded than driving to a building where you can load steel bars with ceramic and move them in particular ways.

Aww, 11bitch, do all support MOS’s make you seethe, knowing that they have A/C and heat, as well as having skills that can be transferred over to the civilian world?

>being smug about having it easy
thats probably why

Keep the weight lower than 30% BW, buy a nice pair of Garmonts, and go for it. Trap pump makes you look massive and it's pretty chill cardio

>willingly suffers to “build character”
Holy fuck, you’re a brainlet. If doing combat is your thing, either go SF or get out and join a PMO like Blackwater or some shit

retarded, it's extremely hard on your body and pointless to train unless you have a reasonable expectation of doing it. although it depends on your weight, these crossfit types doing like 45lb backpack "rucks" probably aren't too bad but real rucking 100+lbs is just murder on your spine.
t. former zogbot infantry with a fucked spine

So is it like. Hiking but for retarded zoomers?

I don't know if it's considered rucking but I one day wish to make something like pic related. I'm not talking about some pussy ass cardboard either. I'm gonna make sure this bullshit can protect me against knives and arrows. The only downside is I'm fucking stupid but assuming I don't die soon. I'll eventually make it and it will be my every day attire. I'll wear it regardless of the WEATHER, SOCIAL STIGMA, OR EVEN IF I'M IN A WORLD WAR I'LL LIVE HOW I WANT AND DIE HAPPY

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>you just won't see them having the balls to admit
any infantry will happily admit it, rucking is fucking shit no fun
its the pogs that just lie about having a fucked back/knees/etc that are all insecure about it because they only rucked in basic training and have to maintain the super hardcore vetbro image despite being (literally) a desk jockey in a uniform for 4 years+

walking but paying $200 for the crossfit brand backpack and plate

>If doing combat is your thing, either go SF
holy shit what an absolute zoomer pog, unreal. Do I need to explain why you're retarded or can you figure that out on your own?
>PMO in 2022
security forces in a 3rd world country, kek. Only a pog born in 2002 would think thats a good idea