No amount of lifting will undo my wide hips, I want to fucking kill myself whenever I see them

No amount of lifting will undo my wide hips, I want to fucking kill myself whenever I see them.

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Like, I fucking kill it with pull ups and rows to try to hide it somewhat by gaining a larger back that distracts but it's fucking hopeless. You can manipulate muscle and fat but you can't manipulate bones and genetics.

Most of that is fat. Lose weight and keep doing back work.

You can still lose fat. You can still grow your lats and shoulders. If you really hate looking like this, use that hate to fuel you and keep going brah.

aren't those just love handles. i have them too. look at them spilling over your pants. you can get rid of those.

It just looks like that, just looked again with no pants and it barely looks different.

lose weight, fatty

you got saddlebags

Nonsense, post with no pants just censor your pp. it’s just fat and you can’t lose it so you are coping like this.

I have wide hips but you cant really tell can you?

Hit the weights sport

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That's literally just fat, my dude. They're called love handles. It's one of the last places to lose fat from, but it's doable.

Look at the right side especially. No pants, it's bone.

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Already looks better

I seriously don't think women will notice this. If they do I don't think it will be a deal breaker..


absolutely doesnt matter bro just keep lifting

oh nonono bro
only thing that'll save you is going bearmode, you look like a woman at low bodyfat


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wtf is this thread

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ok fine, i guess you do have wide hips, but training your back and getting bigger shoulders and pecs will lessen how over it is for you

Girls literally never look at a guy's hips. They look at hair face arms abs back chest ass in that order. On the plus side, your wide hips mean your daughters will have an easier time in natural childbirth, which is rapidly becoming a rarity due to our dysgenic policy regarding c-section birthing.

You can easily train back and abs to fill that in on your sides. If you also squat you'll get a pretty good frame that looks really strong.

You have no muscle which exaggerates the look
Also they're not that bad and your being a massive faggot over nothing

My hips are even wider than yours user I feel for you. We just gotta focus on gains

I am shaped similarly. It looks like bones until you actually squeeze the hips from side/back and a lot of it is fat (love handles). When you lose the fat the bones will look less out of proportion. Train your obliques as well as your lats

>skinny faggot
>reverse anglefraud

Still mostly fat. You just store it there, slim down further and it will go away