Was he really a Nazi?

>criminal justice reform
>immigration numbers
>middle class tax cut
>expansion of civil rights bill with executive order
>billions to israel
>capital of israel

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unfortunately no

No, just another puppet, but one who couldn't shut up.

No, he was a pozzed faggot like the rest of them.

We'll never really know because he never had the chance to be an autocrat who could do whatever he wants.

he sure rustled a lot of jimmies for being just "another pozzed faggot"

Rustling jimmies doesn't mean shit when you suck israeli cock.

As Malcom X would put it, that's called "political chicanery"

ok mohammad

Lmao you trump retards are eternal boomers i swear to god.
Let me guess you hecking love israel because it's a flippin westernized middle eastern country?

chill mustafa

4 reasons
1. Jews are the capitalist class. They are "role models"
2. What you said, westernized country in a sea of shit.
3. God's chosen people.
4. Our favorite politicans told us to like them.

Antisemites actually like Israel, which makes sense if think about it a little, since it removes jews from their country to put them all in one place, which is conveniently in conflict with muslim countries, so it's a win for them as long as there are people dying on both sides.
Also, Žižek noted the trend of needing a right-winger in power to push for leftist policies and vice versa, because otherwise the resistance is too great (it's not that simple, but that is a general idea). Of course, it's only for some minority of policies, but those wouldn't be passed otherwise.

fucking discord

how the fuck is this related to fitness

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>>middle class tax cut
kek. The main beneficiaries of this were the very wealthy.

I got a warning for a comment I never made on Any Forums and got banned from uploading images. But dogshit threads like this one is okay.

Fuck jannies

Fuck off to pol

He was unironically more progressive than our current government
That's not true

If you still have to ask this question, you are a part of the NPC problem.

Wrong board, dummy. Flagged.