Prove me wrong

Track and Field gives people the best bodies.

Attached: 7C8F463F-4C65-4AED-A5FF-BC721ED5B7B6.jpg (750x630, 373.06K)

no its gymnastics
dont need a pic, u already know its true

>best bodies
>posts a woman with no ass, hips, or tits

Especially pole vaulting

Attached: 8C614A63-47AF-41CA-B84A-3B9E5AD735DB.jpg (1080x1080, 77.63K)

I'll put them on equal footing but that's a great sport.

Not quite, Nordic Skiing gives the best bodies.

I agree with this and any sort of long or triple jump. I started getting recommended videos like this on YouTube and even the ones that aren't very good comperition wise still look amazing.

Depends on the event, OP. Speed-strength athletes look great, endurance athletes look like fucking dogshit. It's why sprinters have great physiques and distance runners look like skinnyfat retards

What is it about these sports that gives people such good physiques?

I got a pole she can vault right onto, if you catch my drift.

Attached: 1554675757905.jpg (1280x720, 105.82K)

Lean + muscular + long legs + tan

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And finally

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you have to account for the survivorship bias in sports

so, elite athletes built for track and field have the best bodies

gymnastics is just hyper advanced calisthenics so of course they're insanely shredded

Attached: gymnast-rings-e1432197292834.jpg (550x366, 42.09K)

So calisthenics gives you a better body than lifting?

No one on this board will say it...

...but yes

mirin shoulders

all olympians are on roids, user

if you do calisthenics as a natty you will look like a dyel

You'll look better than power-shitters at least.

If 99.9% of you are fine being 140 lbs. and doing handstand push-ups, then yes. If you care about putting on any appreciable mass, then no.
>implying what gymnasts do is anything like the faggots pushing bodyweight training on JewTube
You can't be this dumb.

Jealousy breeds envy, I love how powerlifters are the people who haunt the minds of manlets

The sport doesn't create the physique so much as it it self selects athletes with certain builds. These bodies excel at this sport the most. You'll find similar general body dimensions among many Olympic sports

Appreciable by who? Other men, roidtrannys, and turbo faggots?

No thanks, I'll take a womans appreciation over bloated faggots any day of the week.

Checked and very well put

Okay, fatass.