Is mind-muscle connection a meme?

Just had a chest day and lately i dont feel like I've had a good pump even tho I'm pushing myself, so I thought maybe my mind-muscle connection is not very good? plus my bench numbers are kinda stagnating 3 weeks in a row. I'm eating good and hydrating, am I doing an obvious stupid mistake or something?

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Unless you’re a roidhead it’s a meme. Just focus on getting the weight up and down with good form, and going to absolute failure on most lifts

whats your chest day routine? How long do you rest between sets? I've noticed if I rest longer than 3 minutes or so between sets I pretty much completely lose any pump.

I focus on it a lot w accessories since I want to make sure I'm actually isolating the right muscle for example on barbell hip thrusts. on like squats though idrk as long as the weight is moving and my form is good

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it is a meme
if youre lifting the weight then your muscles are doing the work whether you feel it or not

that said it does make lifting more enjoyable so its worth pursuing

>OP discovers the concept of "mental health"

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nah it's not a meme, I spend my years as a teen ego lifting like a fucking retard with shitty form stuck on the same weight never progressing.

it's not until I actually started doing reps with proper form and literally tried to ensure I was working the muscle properly, with proper weight, that I was able to start progressing. I made far more progress in one year of lifting properly than I did in my 3 years lifting as a teen.

ofc this is my own broscience experience. so take it with a grain of salt.

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do you know where this text came from? thanks
I do rest about 2-3 minutes, I'll try timing it next time, thanks

Yea it comes from Sandows 1894 book 'sandow's system of physical training'
But I took those highlighted quotes out of a more modern book from 2012 by David Bolton.

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I just select exercises which have quite a decent MMC. If you can do two different tricep exercises and they both have your elbows in the same position, same ability to progressively overload, same injury risk factor (low) then obviously pick the one with the better MMC. It's not 'required' to grow but it's better to have it than not to.

I play the guitar and on days when I feel like shit I can not play for shit. It's like when I'm in a good mood I can pull off really cool Jimi Hendrix stuff, but when I'm not my fingers don't even want to move they feel stiff and wooden and forcing them to play feels wrong like jerking off with prosthetic hand or something.

I don't know what type of connection you are talking about but I do think that mind and acclimation plays into it.

its good to have it but its not necessary. When you do a workout repeatedly you get less sore form it. Making progress on your lifts are the best way of getting bigger.

it's not a meme
I learned that the hard way, by doing "back" exercises without properly activating my lats
and when I learned about it, everything changed

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