Some anons of Any Forums genuinely think lifting for strength is optimal for gains

>some anons of Any Forums genuinely think lifting for strength is optimal for gains

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>holding on to the bar for dear life

He's pulling 315 whilst weighing close to 100lbs, that relative strength is insane

but you forgot


those are fake plates

looks like an alien

Twigboy strongk

Did I just see you on Any Forums and Any Forums a couple of minutes ago my dear fren?

Attached: 1637890075462.gif (112x112, 20.09K)

Sumo deadlift is cheating
Low bar squat is cheating
Wide stance squat is cheating
Any arch while benching is cheating
Wide grip bench is cheating
Leg drive while benching is cheating
If you do any of these, you are DYEL, and won't post body

How can bench leg drive be cheating when it does jack shit?

If you have long arms or a short torso then deadlifts are never going to make you big until you're 6pl8+. If you're this same build and you bench 4pl8 though (without an absurd arch) then you're gonna be big

How much of lifting is just getting better at lifting the weight up?

> Ohh wow I PR today. But I had a good grip and better form too!

Not necessarily. I've seen some 405 benchers that look small even with no arch.

This guy literally has that one condition where you don't retain bodyfat lmaooo fuck

Amerifats have skewed your perception. That is a very healthy weight

The guy is 2D.

Just say you're obese and go, sweetie.

>ya bro just do compound lifts it's all you need bro
>only roiders bodybuild


This guy is right. He’s skinnier than normal but literally a normal human body pre industrialized seed oil American disaster diet. Just go abroad and weep tears of joy when you’re fucking qts with no extra fat instead of scrapping with ten other guys over the one girl who’s only ten pounds overweight

If you can find me a non-wide grip bencher (i.e. forearms parallel to the ground at the bottom of the rep or close to it) that benches 405 and looks small (and isn't a really tall 6'2+ motherfucker) then I will lick my own balls
