What's the biggest blackpill regarding lifting and health in general?

What's the biggest blackpill regarding lifting and health in general?

I've been exercising really good for two months now and feel great but I don't wanna set myself up for disappointment down the road. Pic unrelated obv.

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Regarding this Any Forums? It's probably that the hundreds of people who come here everyday to post demoralization threads will likely never snap out of their depressive episode and will continue down that dark path for the rest of their lives, all thanks to their own self destructive mentalities that they refuse to recognize

exercising and taking care of your health is worthless

you're most likely going to be diagnosed with an incurable disease that kills you

women don't care if you're fit or not if you don't fit their long list of criteria

That you have to keep going

that in the end we all die and your precious muscles you worked for and spent countless hours on, will rot or eaten by hungry worms.

Imagine her getting blacked

Jakes on you, I'm getting cremated.

>dying skinny

The lion grown old

There is no "blackpill" aside from eventual collapse making gyms hard to come by

Surely no one can stay in a depressive episode for more than a year or so

>he doesn't know

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user, i

my thoughts as well

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The only blackpill is that I could have started 15 years sooner, would have lived a much better life

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Why bro

Yeah and the worms will still mire my body.

It's not about where we end up user, everyone's going in that hole/fire pit/ditch eventually. It's about the quality of life being strong and aesthetic brings with it.
Would you rather have built discipline transferrable to other parts of your life, felt better, and looked better? Or would you rather have enjoyed mountains of sugary shit while feeling like ass and being ashamed to take your shirt off at the beach?

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Cope, if your ugly, short, dicklet or overall bad genetics, your entire life will be one brutal blackpill. Don't sugarcoat the true hard reality of life, some people win, some lose, and that's that

this you? very nice progress but what the fuck is up between 2015 and 2019.

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