How the FUCK do you get rid of this (keratosis pilaris)

how the FUCK do you get rid of this (keratosis pilaris)
can't show off gains if you look like a moon surface

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Try eating carnivore for 6 months and see if it helps?


>>hurrrr try eating carnivore for 6 months hurr ddurrr

I just scrubbed the shit out of it and moisturized for a few weeks. It was kind of uncomfortable and actually looked worse at first but looked better when it healed.

It says keratosis, not ketosis you fat fuck

I think the collagen would help his skin. What's your problem?

Bumping, I have the same problem OP and I kind if hate it. Nobody mentions anything but I just want to look normal.

I'll help you because I've been trying to get rid of it
If thats your skin thats a really fucking bad case
I can't even specify what works I've been using so much shit. The things that have worked best for me in order (just from observation)
>sunlight - a tan will pretty mcuh get rid of it for me temporarily, but sometimes it wont work for others
>jojoba oil - If you apply jojoba oil twice a day, it will work to some extent depending on your type of KP.
>tretinoin - if you apply it long enough, it should fix it over time
>bio oil - have done this for 2 weeks and it's working pretty well so far
>urea creams - constant moisturizer, wont work on their own
I tried fish oil as others said and it didn't do shit
I changed my diet and it didn't do shit

I have always had it around my upper arms but I think it was worse when I was still a teen
It wasn't ever really bad though so I never really cared

>user I have aids what should I do
>hmmm idk maybe eat meat for a year??? pretty obvious user
>also try to go nofap for 6 months that should do it

This comes from eating gluten you noobs

>implying carnivore would not help someone with AIDS.

i think it stems from gut issues
I need to fix my fucking gut issues bros

Don't listen to any of the retards ITT.
Mine was just as bad as yours and I managed to unfuck my arms by exfoliating the area every 5-7 days, alternating between chemical and abrasive exfoliators/scrubs. My skin is naturally oily so I didn't bother moisturizing.
I did this for 12 weeks and it's mostly gone.

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Eat a liver a day for a month.

You will be so orange you can't see them.

Cut out the seed oils.

user. I've had this shit my entire life and my arms look just as bad as that pic. Buy Adapalene from CVS and use that shit daily. It's a retinoid that was recently moved to OTC for 0.1%. I started using it in January and I'm already seeing less redness and and fewer skin plugs. Get a good moisturizer and see how it works for you. Fair warning, it might irritate the fuck out of your skin. My chest and pits started feeling super itchy and irritated like a sunburn but power through it and it eventually goes away. Godspeed, this shit is a miracle I swear, nothing else has worked as well for me

>based and TrumpPilled

Use a soap or moisturizer with salicylic acid.

>can't show off gains

What gains?