Fuck guys i saw something really fucked up at the gym just now

Fuck guys i saw something really fucked up at the gym just now

This kid has been working out for the last few months, i thought he was 14 but hes just 16 which is the gym age limit. Hes a very small, skinny kid. He struggled with an empty bar a few months ago and looked like a skeleton, hes put on a little muscle and was squatting a plate and change

Today three much larger kids came in, and went right over to him, clearly harassing him but i was too far away to hear specifics

The gym's owner walks up to them and asked the kid if they're harassing him and three boys start saying they weren't doing anything.

"Shut the fuck up everyone in this room can tell exactly what you're doing, get your things and get the fuck out of my gym or I'm calling the cops and having you charged with trespassing"
"You're going to pay for this you fucking fagot" as they walk away
Owner walks away and the kid goes down for the next set of squats and all three of the boys who run straight at him and shove the weights sideways when hes under about 80kg. He just collapses like paper and there is an audiable crunch and screaming, horrible blood curdling screaming.

Gym owner is sprinting at them and all three boys yelling that it was an accident, and he tackles one of them into the ground. Multiple big guys who are working out near there jump over and tackle the boys to the ground and they're screaming about how they're not allowed to touch them because of they are kids and calling them pedophiles and faggots.

The owner is very badly shaken and announces that the gym is closing immediately and everyone has to leave right now. The kid is still whaling and hasn't moved this whole time. The other kids are screaming that hes a faggot and deserves it, they have never met him and it was an accident, and that they will sue everyone for sexual abuse for holding them down. Im pretty shaken right now

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This is why I don't work out and am forced to be obese.

That's fucked

Gym owner should restrain call cops and ambulance. If they are 16 they can be charged with assault and probably get jail time.

Fucking faggots, I would kill them. I Hope the kid is okey, I Will be thinking about him.

Did he restrain them OP are the cops coming to beat them. I want a fucking update

what the fuck
Today I will lift in this kid's honor, hope he will recover

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Unironically want to snap the kids knees in the leg press.

The big guys in the gym were holding then down, one is an ex bodybuilder and retired cop. The others were just random big guys.

By the time I was in the parking lot getting into my car the ambulance had already arrived and I passed the police as I was pulling out. The ambulance and police are within a block or two of the gym but the nearest hospital is like 30 minutes away at least.

I remember when that kid started working at the local supermarket and he was this absolutely tiny little boy he looked about 12 years old. He was swimming in that uniform, only ever said was "hi", the total, cash or card, and have a nice day. And he never looked anyone in the eye. I've seen him every weekend at that store for years now and to be honest I don't even know his name.

It was such an unprovoked thing. This kid was like a foot shorter than all of these boys, he didn't say a word the whole time they were harassing him. I dont understand why

That sucks. Hope the kid is okay.

That sucks, you just know he won’t ever go to a gym again because of these faggots. I hope he’ll be ok, did the injury look life threatening?

I understand why, he has no confidence nor the ability to stand up for himself. But he was trying to change that hence the lifting. He was a week target and those lads saw a man trying to better.himswlf and like little bitches they decided to tear him down to their level. Because bettering yourself is hard work. The autist skinny kid is also probably highly intelligent and has absolutely no idea how to communicate with people.

Definitely a fake and gay story, but I hope our fictional main character is ok and the fictional villains get dicked by justice

The gym owner and community should reach out to him and get him to come back.

this sounds fake as hell.
>teenagers cripple a guy
>owner doesn't call the cops immediately
ok bro

there should be a local news segment about it

>kids cripple another kid
>police come as OP is leaving the gym
Are you having trouble reading?

oh, didn't see his follow up. all he said in the initial post is that the owner asked them to leave.
my fake and gaydar is still going off

>things that never happened

>doesn't have the attention span to read an 18 post thread before blathering
>expects to be taken seriously when his gay fag senses are triggered
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