Cigarettes. what's the truth?

pretty much everyone in our bastardized prudish protestant culture agrees that smoking is evil, but there is genuine disagreement over cigarettes. there are actually health benefits to cigarettes which some people talk about. I myself have been smoking for years. so what's the truth about cigarettes? anyone with genuine truth on this subject?

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truth is you sound like a faggot

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Quitting is hard. I’m on cessation therapy after failing many times and it fucking sucks. Right now I’m craving a cigarette so the next few hours until I get to sleep are going to be a bitch

A comprehensive review of the many health benefits of smoking Tobacco

ahh, you've included a picture of yourself i see.

You'd have to be retarded to think regularly inhaling smoke won't have a negative impact on your health in the long term. The whole "If you smoke you will 100% get cancer" shit is annoying and way overblown, but it absolutely does increase your risk. The more meaningful reasons to not smoke is that you constantly smell like shit to normal people and it wrecks your cardiovascular health.

oh no is she losing weight?

heckin chonker!!

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Smoking is demonstrably horrible for you and it cracks me up that this health and fitness board has regular threads asking if inhaling burning leaves into your lungs is actually an ok or even a good thing to do.

well, if people are dead, how will they then profit off of cigarette sales? kinda defeats the goal.

Selling an addictive product that will kill your consumer base will net your far more money than not selling the product at all. The money lost from smokers dying is basically negligible.
The only reason they don't make cigarettes less toxic to keep their customers alive longer is because they're legally prevent from changing the formula.

still sounds schizo. in this country they could easily pay off people to make things happen. unless you have actual quotes on this from like, former employees or execs, i'll have to pass from this theory.
Tobacco companies use radon fertilizer on tobacco plants and then soak cigarettes in formaldehyde.
Look for cigarettes weren't made with radon or soaked in formaldehyde. Although, I don't know if organic cigarettes exists

>this sounds schizo because I've never heard of the Tobacco Control Act
>unless you could make up a convincing quote and tell me it's from a powerful person, I'll have to pass on doing any amount of research myself
The absolute state of addicts

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if you don't think a company that wants to kill its customers at least sounds counter intuitive, than i can't help you. I don't have time to research every claim every schizo makes on the internet. if they care enough, they'll tell me.

you've got the wrong mindset. willpower based methods don't work
check out Allen Carr's EasyWay
wishing you well user

willpower based mindsets only fail if youre a faggot.

there are no health benefits from smoking, it's purely detrimental, the only upside is that it makes you look cool because people who smoke give off that "idgaf anymore" suicidal vibe

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I'm a neurologist and I frequently see skinny fuckers with no vascular risk factors at all except smoking have massive strokes and terrible blood vessels. Also you smell like ass and banish yourself to the lower class by smoking. Fuck you

suck a dick.

It’s nostalgia and pure contrarianism.
This board would argue for eating off lead plates because that’s what they did in le olden days.

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>you've got the wrong mindset. willpower based methods don't work
The willpower is not being a fucking retard who gets addicted in the first place.

Nobody even likes cigarettes when they first try them. If you get addicted, it’s because you initially forced yourself to enjoy them, like a retard.

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>spic woman
>getting fatter by the year
checks out