Hit the gym twice or thrice a week no problem

>Hit the gym twice or thrice a week no problem
>Can never bother to walk 10,000 steps on my days off no matter how often I commit to doing it
How do you guys do it? This can't be a discipline problem otherwise I'd struggle to hit the gym too.

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Just make a target goal. Go downtown to grab some coffee or instead of walking 10k steps try just running/jogging 1 mile.

Can someone explain why they count their steps? How horrible are you lives that you need to keep track? What happens when you don't report the number of steps to the proper authorities?

I do it on a treadmill at a 3-5% incline. I watch YouTube videos while doing it.

if you're more goal than process oriented you could try rooning instead, and work on upping your pace so you feel like you're accomplishing something

Phone tracks it for you. I like to check every day and make sure I do better then what is recommended.

Pic related from today

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I wonder how much steps the primitive man took daily hunting for food and chasing tail

Primitive man was lazy and just lived like Monkey.
They fought and killed each other even eating each other and drove people away. They quickly entered agriculture phase.

A lot of pre historic man lore is just played up. Hunter and Gatherers were fucking crazy

Its easy to live a sedentary life style, idk, it helps me motivate me if I dont walk enough

I average 25k steps a day

Am a bong and do 10k average without trying. Only know because my phone tracks me

Sent from my iPhone.

if they lived like monkeys youd be living like a monkey right now
you dont get to top of the food chain by being lazy, nigger

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Eventually you'll turn into an old man like me and then you'll start to enjoy shit like browsing through weekly supermarket discounts and going on long walks to nowhere.

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As someone who lives in Ireland, few people would call 30 minutes "a short walk", it would be considered a subtantial walk but not uncommon.

I've often heard that old idea of people in the US driving everywhere because they're lazy and live in a big city where they can't get food by walking, but as someone who lives in rural Ireland I have no choice but to hop in the car any time I want to go anywhere. I'm not just going to walk 4 miles to get to the nearest shop.

This is what cavemen defenders look like.
They literally drove people away and Africans aren't at the top of the food chain. The top of the food chain developed to fend off the crazy fucking monkeys. Technology and civilization has always developed for defense

I live in a semi rural area in ireland and I walk 1 hour+ 5 days or more a week. Not uncommon when you're rural enough that things are far away but not so rural as to be out of walking distance.

walking in yurop is different than walking in most of the USA. Outside of older cities like New York, the majority of American infrastructure simply is not designed to be walked in.

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You probably enjoy lifting. Lifting requires mental engagement and complete focus on your major lifts. Walking leaves your mind with nothing to do. Skipping something that’s will bore you is normal, should probably still do it though

That's what jewish architecture and city planning will do to a country.

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I live in north county Dublin and randomly go on walks around the country roads at weekends.
Can easily end up walking 20-30km just along the roads in a day.
Sometimes if I've had a few beers and can't sleep I'll go out and walk the roads in the dark for a few hours.

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>0.25 km
>mfw I had to walk nearly 20 times that just to get to school when I was a kid