All of Any Forums BTFO?

All of Any Forums BTFO?

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women dont know what they want
if you can intimidate her, she will be attracted to you

>it’s so funny to me that straight cis dudes
>most women I know
No thanks
But he’s somewhat right in that women don’t like guys that go to the gym, they like lean guerrilla warfare insurrectionists who strike at midnight

Women lie about what they want and have a primal urge deep inside that gets activated when they see a dude built like a warrior from the Steppes in person. Most dudes are just pathetic and most women even moreso, that they lie about what they want because soft doughy men seem easier and more compliant. They then have all the leverage and safety, and can monkeybranch off your low value dumbass when they get bored.

Just fit society's current meme pattern bro, your "little elf prince" archetype won't be cast aside in six months when the next it-thing comes along, trust me bro

Also he's partially right that half of women want soft boys but he ignores the other half of women who want hard boys

The lesson as always is to differentiate, find your thing and then double down on it. It worked for Tesla it'll work for you too

I ended up down a rabbithole on his twitter. Pure cancer. How do people use twitter and not decide to top themselves

Women cant comprehend hobbies ?

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Man, I just want to be more manly since my mom forced us to leave my dad when we were young. Why does everything have to revolve around women for these losers?
This world is so fucking depressing with these fucks around.

They like guys who go to the gym to shower and stop paying their water/sewage to save on bills and shit in Walmart bags to throw out with the trash instead. You know, practical and logical men with no dignity.

Women want goodlooking guys. Guys want good-looking girls. But end of day they get bored of each other. They breakup then they will search for another person .they discuss about the trannyma(trauma) they faced in past. This repeats like a cycle. We are all prostitutes.

You should've taken your father's place and started fucking your mom, it would've helped with your mental illness. You still have time user, flood the entrance of your mother's cervix with your young virile semen to cure yourself.

thats a fucking tranny talking about cis men wanting girls

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Yo stfu.

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>a line cook

No one gives a fuck about your delusions troon. You will not only never be a woman but you can't even define woman

Stopped reading right there.

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She's not wrong

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Random twitter nigger screepcap #8267488483

Just keep lifting and eating you triple nigger

Twitter is the voice of the people

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>manly picture
>trans in the name
>Twitter fag


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>most women i know

I want you to think of the type of individual who posts on Twitter with the name @transmisc

Now think of the women that they know in their lives.

I don't lift for women

>depressed middle aged father
where da wymin at?

>Indulging retarded gender ideology
Fag-Enabler detected
Opinion; Rejected.