How do I testmaxx?

How do I testmaxx?
>lifting heavy
>vitamin D
What else?

Attached: AVERAGE MALE TEST LEVELS 2017.png (841x589, 314.04K)

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and how do I get that? I'm too awkward to talk to women

Taking testosterone

How do beaners get high T? Just lots of sun? It makes sense because of how aggressive they are but it also doesn't make sense because they are tiny and usually look like shit.

human sacrifice genes

Has to be all the spicy food we eat

>the city of yurop

>Vietnam that low

It means that with enough training I will rise to the top.

Come on, user, you can figure this out. You're so smart.


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They are shorter so they have less volume of blood meaning they need to produce less overall ng of testosterone than an average size person.

stinging nettle

Test is affected by your psychic environment as well as your physical. We tend to be ruminating sadsacks and psych ourselves into betadom. Not as bad as Asians but pretty bad. Society selects for very outgoing minstrel performers. This is why you feel left out and directionless.

i told you to season yo food wypipo, you didnt listen

Attached: file.png (1260x630, 945.86K)

>White guy friendly and outgoing
>Brown guy passive aggressive and spiteful
checks out

Whites conquered browns and the world for spicier foods, kys.

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this map was homicide rates from firearms if i remember correctly

The fuck is going on in the Philippines and Papua New Guinea?

Russian Chads I kneel.


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Can I just buy ashgawandha on amazon or should I get my levels checked by a doctor first? What are the side effects?

One of the most commonly used supplements, unironically used by pajeets for thousands of years to get their t up.

ice balls
eat raw eggs

So I'm good to buy, then?

Let's say, hypothetically, I'm a faggot with a bad case of gayvoice despite being a big guy. Could this, in some way, help me get rid of it? Asking hypothetically for a hypothetical friend.

>Latin Americans invent the female orgasm
>suddenly everyone is surprised about their test levels

White bros… we lost

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The female orgasm doesn't exist, retard.

Sure it doesn’t, güero.


Women do not get sexual pleasure through contact, women get sexual pleasure through manipulating men into doing their bidding and then crushing their hearts.
They get off emotionally, not physically.

For serious voice modification, you would of had to start deep in underageb& territory. Smoking is unironically the best way to add 'grit' and baritone to your voice. Smoking weed constantly definitely altered my voice, and I'm not sure if it's mostly my height, but I get constant 'mires over voice chat.
Yes, but not all Ashwagandha is the same, so check what form it's in and dosage before picking a brand. Do your own research, don't just trust weird internet strangers.

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based on your pic, eat Jollibee and have Optimus Prime driving around :