Mike Mentzer’s HIT

Can someone explain to me how this routine is done?

I’m currently doing PPL 2x a week but I’ve been seeing this HIT program a few times on here and I’m curious as to what the routine looks like per week. I’ve been trying to watch videos on it but it just doesn’t explain it well enough like this video: m.youtube.com/watch?v=tcMOG0ECqDU

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Don't do the modern slow version.

Just pyramid up to a heavy weight and do 1-2 sets to utter failure, straining hard.

If it doesn't feel like it is enough, do dropsets, rest pause, negative only or just something to go past failure.

Hit every bodypart from every angle, which is usually 1-3 exercises per body part, and your good.

Also, warming up sets are not meant to be difficult, they dont count and only warm you up. Otherwise it is too intense for a warming up and will lead to less performance for your last set.

Looking fucking good, op. Moar.

meme program.

volume is the number 1 variable for growth


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not a counteragument. Scientific literature is clear. Volume gives size. Intensity fries the CNS

>Just pyramid up to a heavy weight and do 1-2 sets to utter failure, straining hard.

So how often should i train muscle groups? Once a week, twice?


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>not a counteragument.
You didn't give argument your self. You made a statement. Now make your argument to back up your statement.


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>experts say

You look soi

>’bodybuilder’ Jeff nippard says
>expert trainer Jeff cavaliere says
>’bodybuilder mikedoesfitness says


>The findings indicate a graded dose-response relationship whereby increases in RT volume produce greater gains in muscle hypertrophy.

the article says the opposite of your picture, user

As often as you can, feeling refreshed so as to not impair recovery.

This will boil down to twice a week or once a week per bodypart.

Hit is not about volume vs 1-set, it is about reaching failure as soon as possible. It makes the assumption that muscles grow based on muscular failure, either beyond that or slightly before that, and that you can deliberately reach that point faster by putting in extreme effort and HIT training techniques like rest-pause training.

So the end result is the same, be it reached in 20 sets or in 1 set, the muscle is done.

But not everyone can empty their muscles in 1 set, but you can still consciously put in effort to make it happen as soon as possible instead of half-assing everything and doing 20+ sets.

The straining is CNS intensive as it feels like doing strenght work, but you get the positive benefit of cutting muscular volume so you get less muscular damage, but more systemic damage.

In the end it is a trade off, but dense muscle is only built by proper strenght training and HIT is just that. It is no coincidence Mentzer, Yates, Levrone, Ronnie all have amazing density.

Multiple roads to Rome just do whatever you like best.

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>In the end it is a trade off, but dense muscle is only built by proper strenght training and HIT is just that. It is no coincidence Mentzer, Yates, Levrone, Ronnie all have amazing density

If that’s you, you have the best balance between lean and built, don’t look inflated like a balloon. Wish you would show off more.

I'd never heard of this "program"..

But I've worked out on and off for 10 years. I've digested and understand my body intimately. I've done brutal physical labor and the gym. My longest continuous stretch of working out was about 4 years.

All that being said - my current personal program is really similar to this program. I focus on a single muscle group per day, and I destroy it. I don't have a set number of reps, but I do always focus on getting stronger. This means each day is progressively heavier, and occasionally higher volume.

The ultimate goal is to have that muscle group devastated by the end of the workout. Larger muscle groups take much more time, my leg days are usually close to two hours.

The biggest key to being able to benefit from this sort of extreme muscular devastation is long rest periods. Legs are usually 10 days rest, back is 7 or 8, chest is around 5. Smaller muscle groups can be broken down faster, which means shorter workouts and they also heal faster.

Usually I workout for 6-8 weeks, and then take 10 days completely off from the gym but still keep my relatively active lifestyle the same.

I believe the key to benefitting from an extreme muscle breakdown regiment like this is the long break periods. This is also the most challenging aspect of a program like this - you can't workout back and then do chest the next day. Can't workout legs and then do back the next day. There will be days where you just can't workout.

>T. I'm a guy who never progressed on normal routines because I enjoy pushing myself to the absolute max every time I step foot in the gym.

What is density mean?

Burden of proof is on you, actually.