/plg/ - powerlifting general

cont. from>omw to gym edition
post videos of your lifts
>programs, stretching, bands, lift tutorials
>tripfag numbers
>conjugate pastebin

Attached: aNpqbx6_460s.jpg (460x777, 74.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Most relevant books for proper training:
>Louie Simmons
Westside Barbell Book of Methods, Bench Press Manual, and Book of Squat and Deadlift. One of the best authors for training fundamentals, but program guidelines are quite loose.
>Josh Bryant
Jailhouse Strong, JHS 8x8 Offseason Powerlifting Program, and JHS Successful Mindset Manual. Great author for training fundamentals. However, there is no free peaking program.
>Cory Swede Burns
5th Set, and 5th Set Evolutions. Most up to date training program templates, only the bench peak is outdated.
>Jim Wendler
5/3/1 for Powerlifting, 5/3/1 Forever. 5/3/1 for PL is a great beginner book, and if you like it, Forever can be used to adapt it for longer term progress.
Bryant's and Burns's books are well written, but Wendler is a retard and Louie cannot into English. All of the books are in the pastebin in Bobbergs's drive.

Louie is greater than all: youtu.be/PDnNG5k-u8I

Attached: 2huchristmas.jpg (600x800, 130.54K)

sweat muscles (sauna)
Wizard Bloody Wizard
quick oats w/ milk and honey. banana strawberry kefir protein shake

Wasn't that an old lift though?

thanks Smigs but there's no way I did that in the last 3mo

I did do it on a 0.5 cuppa day tho so maybe I will quit drugs

ME DL: conventional deep deficit
80%: 1x8

Goodmornings 3x10

Hypers 3x20
S.O.D., Todbringer - Ellende, Omega - Azaghal
KFC (fuckers got my order wrong)
Went to a different gym this time. The equipment was shit but my usual gym was just completely packed. I might need to switch gyms

based tranny thread.
fuck real white women, cartoons rule.

9s insta posts are peak sugoi, sometimes i show it to my brother and it makes him want to lift too but he's 145lbs, i gotta feed the twink

>weems still thinks his mismatch of plates is aesthetic
>op is like 911 for user

Attached: 1614555483548.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

We do need some kind of harem system to sustainably deliver Big Aryan Cock to the Azn girls while still producing more purebloods. I'm right now pooping in a stall I had to wait for. Who came out? A masked pee-shy Azn dude who didn't flush and got it all over the seat. His sisters deserve better

Maybe 9 really is natty
Question is if he juiced could he get 800lbs?

Holy fuck so much fatigue. Deload day 2. Likely deload tomorrow as well, then maybe some maxing on Sunday?

you can start by adding "Aspiring Presslord" back to your youtube name


(9) could bench 800 right now with some elelxo plates

Attached: cool.png (641x625, 373.69K)

Bench: 195x3, 235x3, 275 2x2, 295 2x1
2 CT pause squat: 245x3, 295x3, 335 2x2, 355 2x1
Calf raises: 5x8
Good mornings: 5x8

I really am, though shit was moving very fast for how shitty I feel

You got a date of when you're gonna test your lifts again? This sunday?

What's the RPE on those 5x8 sets that you are always doing?

Did you stop playing music so that you wouldn't hurt my ears?

Since I'll hopefully shed a lot of fatigue I'm thinking of doing squat, bench, and dead on Sunday. But we'll see. Official mock meet date is 4/24

Did SS and some upper/lower then PPL before corona arrived then quit cus they shut gym down. I didn't make the best gains but i am gonna be doing SS again to get back in to it but what program should i do after SS? Not Texas method my lower back don't like to much squatting or deadlifting at to high percentages.

Keep it @8ish. And I stopped playing music because I get more views that way, plus I don't have to worry about the video getting blocked or claimed.