How many times a week should I do cardio

How many times a week should I do cardio

Attached: treadmill.webm (720x540, 1.8M)


1 HIIT session and 1-2 zone 2 sessions per week

Where do you find videos like this, of girls having their clothes unwilling pulled off

Cardio improves sex stamina doesn't it?

What a silly roundabout. Just have more sex if that's your goal.

Everyday after your workout. I typically either do a mile of brisk walking on the treadmill or 10 minutes on the row machine.
The biggest tree trunk in my gym does 10 minutes on the elliptical before lifting

No. If anything, swimming does.

Just walk user KEK

"everyday" is an adjective; you mean "every day".

That kid's like 15, do you really want this shit saved on your hard drive?

all right so do you have any videos of legal women getting sexually assaulted by treadmills?

Swimming isn't cardio but for people with weak knees?

only minors sorry

Not the best striptease I've ever seen, but seen worse.

If you lift, I'd do steady state cardio everyday for at least an hour





It's bad for your health.
I developed incomplete right bundle branch block from cycling like every and every 2nd day for 2 hours at 140 bpm..

Walking or elliptical is literally not cardio. It's the gayest form of cardio possible it is literally no effort.

Do HIIT or even better run.

Running for 10 min is much better than walking or elliptical for 15 min.