How to avoid pic related?

How to avoid pic related?

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It’s too late, you should’ve stayed away from microplastics in food if you didn’t want to become a gay frog

I have started to shave in the shower while my face is very warm from the hot water. Also I used a brush and some Italian shaving soap. Also a sharp razor helps. But what does this have to do with Any Forums?

shave frequently, once-over with the grain. daily or ever 48h. go ahead and buy cheap razors, what's important is that you use a NEW one. I buy 12 for $2. Store brand double blades. They're fine.

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don't shave

I stopped getting razor burn once I switches to a straight razor.

be chink

Just don't shave, gay boy. Beards are based as long as you don't go too long.

Use a shaving soap instead of foam, made a huge difference for me. No irritation, no skin dryness either

I apply foam, shave once with the grain, reapply foam and shave once against the grain. Is this correct?

No. Once with the grain should be sufficient

Ye okay
Facial hair only grows on my neck
Shit looks onions af

I don't know about you, but anything that helps reclaim a sense of masculinity is helpful and much needed for me. Discussing these things with anonymous users on an imageboard dedicated to fitness and health may not be the most appropriate, but I feel like lots of young men visit this board with a slight yearning for this kind of talk about manly things. I know it's stupid, but talking about shaving makes me feel like a man, you know?

>shave against the grain
>can still see hair follicles under my skin
>when rubbing feels smooth
wtfz0rzxz xddd

Just use a beard trimmer

if you work a job where you NEED to be clean shaven, do what this guy said, except I feel like you can use the same razor 2-3 times depending on how thick your hair grows
otherwise buy a cheap clipper at the store and just use that without a guard, it will get a pretty close shave, it's way faster, easier, cheaper, and IMO it leaves a very aesthetic amount of shadow

There are youtube videos of random men speaking to you about topics like this as if they were your father. You might find them very helpful, as I myself grew up without a father and would have probably enjoyed these vids when I was younger.

To answer your question, ideally you'd shave after or in the middle of a shower when your skin has moisture and your hair follicles are softer. You want to apply a decent amount of pressure, don't be scared and just go with the grain. With most blades going with the grain is good enough but if you have a shitty blade you might have to do a few against the grain if you really want that clean cut look.


You'll notice the amount of pressure you can apply is much greater with "shower skin" as opposed to just putting on some foam and shaving.

They make really good safety razors now. Like insanely good, try Hansen. It'll cost a bit at the start but in the long run you'd save more money and you won't cut yourself as much. I've tried store razers, straight razers and once I got my safety razor I never went back.

I would just get that shit lasered off desu

I don’t reapply to shave against the grain and have no problems

PRO TIP: when you are shaving your jaw corners do a double chin to flatten the surface

and obviously use a DE with good cream, antiseptic stick/bar, then a post shave cream/balm
can also try a pre shave oil for extra glide

maggard razors has everything you need and ships internationally

I’ve found this to be the best shave cream.

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I'm not OP but thanks for both those recommendations. What if I have like a swirl hair pattern? Is the bleeding inevitable? I can't go 100% with the grain cause it's like a loop underneath my jaw

Multiple blades are a meme
Safety razor's are the way to go

This with Feather platinum blades, a nice luxury shave soap and use a light touch.

easy just don't shave

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i do this

The norwood reaper has you in its grip user

Don't care, I embrace his edge

Against the grain is the best way to get ingrown hairs and rashes