Fucking ethers Christian

>fucking ethers Christian
Was this the promo of his life?

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theres no way you guys thought this was good. it has to be a rib

It was probably dog shit

Giving the babyface some credibility

Ya seethe jay? Ya wife leave ya? Vince rape ya?

hangtroon losing it now that his boy is john silver tier. Sad.

>theres no way you guys thought this was good. it has to be a rib

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I didnt watch it but knowing monkey boy it was dogshit. Any non biased opinions?

Why so mad Christian?

I'm one of the (few?) JB fans on here but I still think Tony fucked up by having the Lucha turn back last week. Good for JB for not botching his big moment though.

it was bad. the same people who thought Brandi using curse words was cringe think Jungle Boy saying pussy is epic and makes him legit despite the fact that he's presented as a babyface with a bodyguard.

Hi Christian

No money? No wife? Tiny prick?

>Christian actually is divorced
Which Peepstacy should he wife up, Hayter or D'Amboise?

>screaming = good promo
someone has to explain to these aew kids that that's not how it works

I’ve noticed that whenever someone swears dumb marks online always say “omg what a great promo.” Is luchasaurus really with him? I thought that would be a swerve, makes no sense for a babyface to have a heater

Dude for Jungle Boy, he did a really good job. Go back to his first year or so in AEW. He was fucking super bad. He's been doing recorded youtube promos for like 2 years now. He'll never be MJF but at least he's competent now. Same thing with Darby they just need to be at least average since their popular with AEW fans as og guys.

He's got tons of potential and consistently shows improvement, working with Christian has definitely massively helped him
Shut the fuck up, retard.

>Is luchasaurus really with him? I thought that would be a swerve, makes no sense for a babyface to have a heater
Yeah thats retarded. I'm still expecting something to happen.

John Cena did it for years tho

No one cares tony