Looking back was it a good angle?

Looking back was it a good angle?


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I'd have preferred a slightly higher angle so we could see more of the action

kek based

the whole angle was the height of cringekino, from Kane's """shocking""" unmasking, to his daytime soap opera monologue about a teenage car crash, to him setting JR on fire, to, of course, the cherry on top, Hunter simulating necrophilia. The best part is, HHH revealed on an episode of O&A that when they were shooting the corpse-rape, Vince kept telling him "IT'S GOTTA BE DARKER", to which Paul replied "Vince, I'm raping a corpse. It's already pretty dark. The only way this plays is if we do it as a comedy".

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No triple h is in the way I can barely see the sex with the dead body awful camera work 2 1/2 stars

did kane get married to lita during all of this or no?

the unmasking and setting jr on fire was nothing to do with this angle. that was 8 months later


Don't forget frying Shane's grapefruits with a car battery and kidnapping and raping Lita. They should have pushed monster Kane to the moon.

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I remember catching a glimpse of the Kane unmasking in my friends older brother's room when I was a youngin'. I got worked, I thought he was really deformed and burnt at the time.

he was and he didnt have a voice either

I think Vince to this day thinks this was the funniest shit ever

It was okay.

That was later on, but Kane from 2002-2003 really fell the fuck off and was doing whatever. They just threw whatever they could to give him something to do.

*dad walks in*

If Triple H has so much power, why didn't he stop this?

why stop Kino?

>the unmasking and setting jr on fire was nothing to do with this angle. that was 8 months later
It was all part of the same angle, it was long-term storytelling
I forgot about that, pretty sure either he or Shane went into a flaming dumpster too
probably because Glenn is about a ugly motherfucker regardless, shaving the front half of his head and throwing soot over his eyes really added to the effect

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I think you're right about the flaming dumpster. I don't even remember what year this was. Time has lost all meaning bros. Don't get old.

>It was all part of the same angle, it was long-term storytelling
i cant tell if youre joking lol. they had nothing to do with each other unless you think every event involving two of the same wrestlers is part of the same storyline. was their feud in 2002 a continuation of their feud in 1999?

Originally Kane was going to have a brother named Abel who was going to be portrayed by Matt Morgan but this was ultimately dropped and the brother became Imposter Kane in the May 19th storyline.