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I thought the same thing whenever I had to watch one of his matches.

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>kill yourself because you can't win a fake wrestling belt
just fucking do it you enormous cuck

That first punch was so quick jeez

Props to Strowman. I'd be on my back starring at Owen's ghost floating in the sky.

Speaking of the afterlife, if Strowman kills himself, won't he go to Hell like Benoit's family? Or would he just haunt wrestling shows like Owen?

Attached: HARD TRUTHS.jpg (1280x1280, 310.38K)

Braun is a shitty version of Ryback. Braun was best in the wyatt family, he’s not a solo act

Thankfully Hell isn't real so there really isn't a need to worry about any of this. Neither is your bearded sky daddy.

control your suicide

I can't believe I used to think this giant pussy was based

>won't he go to Hell like Benoit's family?
Okay Jordyanne, we get it

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You're tripping me out man...

brock was UFC heavyweight champion
not the type of guy you want to prompt a receipt from lol

Remember when Karen Angle made him kneel.

bro i hate this retard but depression/life struggles are a motherfuckers

damn I read it as he killed himself

Lmao depression from what? He has millions, adoration from fans and is a relative star.
Meanwhile Ubuntu is surviving by eating cow dung and working as a slave in a war torn country.
If you have 3 meals a day and have roof above you then you are a bitch for having depression.
Fucking zoomers.

When is Ryback getting his CYN invitation?

post the gif of him doing that gay little dance with the new day onegai