
Fucking traitor.

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>wouldn't of
good morning sir

He paid for all of regals treatment after the Indian heart thing and rehab.

At least he has the class to respect the man who saved his life. Seems to be a rare thing nowadays.

>wouldn't of

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based Regal. Being classy isn’t in trannies DNA so you wouldn’t no anything about that OP

>wouldn't of
The state of the Qu*en's Engl*sh

Speak American

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>wouldn't of
nigga you invented the language wtf

Completely emasculating tiny by calling someone else his boss. Xirs this is not playing out like we thought it would...

>wouldn't of

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Typo aside, I don't see the issue?, is there some kind of issue I'm missing?, Regal spent years working in WWE so makes sense for him to be grateful or have some respect for Vince.

There is no issue. Zoom zooms here just cant comprehend that you can put someone over even if they aint in the same company. Add to that, Aew really is filled with old wwe guys, some worked 20+years there, some less but the thing that unites them is Vince was their boss through all of it. Zoomies just go for the console war thing because they cant understand anything else.

if vince made your career you can definitely thank and appreciate him, don't understand why anyone that doesn't work for the E would worship him though.

>wouldn't of

Europoors on here trying to gaslight me into thinking only Americans made this mistake. Suck it.

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Ok William.

Attached: kiss-my-ass-vince-mcmahon.gif (119x90, 378.93K)

>AEWtroons and zoomers can’t comprehend loyalty and gratitude
color me shocked

kek what an ass kissing BITCH

Can him tony


Kek, what a fucking KEK

You could've had the Stranger Things/Goonies 80's nostalgia boost, but no, let's do The Usos vs the Street Nagrons for the the 64th bad time...Sloth would've jobbed for a Baby Ruth

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Why can’t these dumb europoors speak English?

Regal is humble to such an extent that you just start to feel bad for him. Every time he talks about himself he says he's a washed up wrestler and his entire career he's just been a drugged up loser that didn't even deserve the help he got.

>Zoom zooms here just cant comprehend that you can put someone over even if they aint in the same company
Correct. Only 4channel and ad execs care about console wars. Wreslters and real wrestling fans watch what they like and avoid what they don't. Real fans watch wrestling because they like wrestling, not because they want to jerk off some company over the other. They all have good characters, matches, and stories as well as bad. To say otherwise is disingenuous.

>They all have good characters, matches, and stories
I agree except for AEW