Now that it's over

What is his legacy?

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An empire of dirt

Everything in wrestling that has made money in the American market over the last 40 years has had VKM fingerprints on it.
No biggy I guess

One of the most based men in the entire entertainment industry

being remembered as a rapist chud that got forced out of his own company

Revolutionized wrestling from being a bunch of minor feds jockeying for the same audience as the local carnival to a multi-billion dollar industry that is popular around the world. Vince is wrestling's Henry Ford

Rapist racist who fucked his mom.

he would like to be known as some hot shot billionaire, but his legacy will be being the top carny of carny town

One of the most based men to ever grace Gods green Earth. And that’s a shoot, brother.

It’s faggots like you that are ruining this once great country. Vince is an Alpha Male. One of the last great bastards.



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Pushing Roman Reigns for 8 years with less than nothing to show for it.

A man that fucked torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler

kek what a rapist

How much money has the company made since then?

Bastards always take shit too far and destroy themselves and everything around them. If they were so based, the world wouldn't be so fucked. You need balance.

Building the greatest wrestling company of all time?

The only decent piece of american entertainment. (until the PG-era)


Greatest wrestling promoter in history.

All of his own ideas were a flop and every bit of success his company had was by accident and then he got exposed as a rapist and retired like a bitch

He produced 99% garbage besides the Attitude Era which was just pure luck. Also he is the greatest con artist in the world and scammed Fox out of billions of dollars

He'll be remembered for forcing Trish stratus to strip on national TV

The creator of wrestling