For the love of god make a console war sticky, and make "no console war" rule like in Any Forums

For the love of god make a console war sticky, and make "no console war" rule like in Any Forums.
I'm tired of both of these WWE-drones and AE-dronesW

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if you do that the only posters left would be joshipedos, who manage to somehow be worse than consolewar autists

It has pretty much ruined the board

People who whine about promotional wars in wrestling are incredibly stupid

I'd take 100 joshi threads over 100 console wars are serious business threads
pretending to be retarded during Wednesday nights invited actual retards here

but you're probably an edrone faggot, so kill yourself.

This but really

They are nowhere near as bad as consolefags


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No milly op?


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Every week after no milly comes out, we get the flood of "no console war" threads, but never get them after the Raw skyrocket every Tuesday afternoon. Wonder why?

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Reddit and discord trannies taking so many Ls that they're begging the jannies to save them

Because it’s not spammed like the retards do on Thursdays. Not hard to figure out


Fine speech

> and make "no console war" rule like in Any Forums.
For the love of god yes. Drive off the “i just come here because it’s le easiest board to work” fags and leave the actual wrestling fans

Are you retarded? No one said don’t have them. OP said stop spamming them and have them contained to one thread.

I legitimately usually don't even notice Raw ratings because there's like one thread and everyone moves on. It's not the explosion of autism that happens on Thursdays.

Same reason as why no one makes threads after raw or smackdown: no one gives a shit

stop console warring dude

this tranny crying LMAO

There hasn’t been a funny thread in at least a week, this place is truly shit now. We need console war rules like Any Forums and anti coomer simp rules like Any Forums. There no humour anymore just seethe and simps

/asp/ used to be really dead and boring. Now it's a slew of people who got banned from r/squaredcircle who came to call people faggots and niggers. If AEW fans stopped being so thin skinned, the console war threads would die due to trolls not getting their yummy (You)s. You don't even have to talk about WWE to know how bad they suck. So don't click those threads because Any Forums is never going back.

Because the people who watch WWE aren't uptight dweebs whose entire personality revolves around liking the """good"""'" wrestling

Ok dumbass

No if anything other boards should be as passionate as us about console wars

AEW fans are the only ones who complain about console warring because they aren't very good at it