Why is he doing random matches? Why is he not in a blood feud with someone trying to get his belt...

Why is he doing random matches? Why is he not in a blood feud with someone trying to get his belt? Wouldn't that be better than facing midcard geeks week in and week out? Where's the logic in this booking?

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Him beating jobbers actually puts the jobbers over - TK, probably.

You see, Wardlow doesn't want the Interim Championship because he wants to face CM Punk for the World Championship even though the holder of the Interim champion will face CM Punk for the World Championship.

Punk will be back before you know it. They don’t want Mox tied up with a blood feud.

No TV-14?

>Why is he doing random matches?
because he loves wrestling

booker of the year please understand

they are waiting for Phil to douche his pussy out so he can bury moxley

Because he’s interim and simply waiting for Punk.
His role right now is “fighting champion” as we wait for All Out.
Hopefully Mox gets wrapped up with Kingston for a bit after he’s done with Jericho but I imagine he’ll more likely be feuding against Claudio for the ROH belt.

they dont want him to be more popular than punk
you have to make punk look strong

>waiting for Punk
that's boring for a TV show.

Don't doubt the bookerman of the year brother

the booking makes it obvious he's just a placeholder for punk. what a trash match that'll be.

>Punk will be back before you know it.
if a doctor said "punk needs 4 months to recuperate" then a good booker would be able to book a 4 month storyline for mox

he's just keeping it warm for cm punk

Because Tony Cuck doesn't know how to book.

Mox vs Wardlow would be dimes but only if they push the 'dlow


You clearly know nothing about television. Your leading man doesnt need to be involved in any storylines. It is better if he just hangs around doing nothing

They're keeping him healthy for Morrisey

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you work in television? wow congrats bro

Not defending Tony’s trash booking but That’s only one ppv cycle.