Fuck you cracker

fuck you cracker

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you're trying so hard to get a racebait angle going but it's a dead gimmick brother

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Attached: 1639280962765.webm (728x454, 1.44M)

White kid actually won and doesn't even give a fuck about some nigger with no clothes on

Women like that weren’t made to be wives

Attached: 1655421273459 (1).webm (270x480, 2.29M)

Attached: 1655409703512.webm (640x640, 2.47M)

life lesson at 3 seconds in the moment the nigger thinks the white isn't looking he tries to land a sucker punch

What hurt him more? The actual ass-beating or the clowning he got from his niggas for getting his ass beat by a wyboy?

Shows the beautiful love between two human beings
>triggered Any Forumstard incels
Show violence (while being unable to win against something bigger than a kitty)

Remember to never relax, and if the time comes:
Eyes, throat, nose, thumbs, knees, balls. They'll leave you alone

>What hurt him more
the other nogs not jumping in like he expected

keep seething shitskin. i could shoot beat your ugly monkey ass

Attached: 1647472161945 (1).webm (488x398, 1.34M)

All you can beat is your meat, you absolute fucking virgin

Clean my dick you worthless subhuman n*groid slave

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why is that bitch stabbing him? give us some context, user and if you don't have any, search for it

what's happening here anyways? like context?

fuck is it with porn addicted terminally online coomers calling everyone else a virgin

nah think I'll fuck your crush instead LOL

>noooooo please don't beat my ass massa

Attached: 1598807964403.webm (480x480, 2.93M)

>why are prisoners shivving each other

Attached: 1495140585332.png (667x670, 647.52K)

N's taking L's itt

Any Forumstrannies aren't particularly clever