Kek what an antidraw

Kek what an antidraw

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Is there a once beloved wrestler who ruined his legacy more than Foley? Not even Hogan fucked up this hard

hes become such a whiny faggot taht i dont want to watch anything hes in anymore.

He's asking himself that question and typed out that video title kek what a mark KWAM.

how can this dipshit say WCW didn't use him to his full potential? he main evented Halloween Havoc against Big Van Vader (who drew way more money for WCW than Foley ever did) and then he left the company not all that long afterwards. that's his own fault. maybe if he stayed he could have had a run with Hulk Hogan but no like an idiot he leaves just before Hogan comes in and elevates the company to a new level.

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That’s a shame. His podcast is really good and he doesn’t go on political rants. He gives great insight into his old matches and everything that went into them.

>10k subs

When did the channel start, yesterday? That’s awful for a celebrity

>Conrad Thompson
What did he expect? He's lucky to even get that much, pretty soon he'll be doing 800-2000 views for many videos like Conrad"s other ad spam / Meltzer newsletter read-alongs.



always has been

Touch grass virgin not everything is politics.

Taker should have killed this cringy faggot when he threw the bum off the cage.

Renee Dupree's podcast is better. Fuck Conrad.

Bruce's podcast were entertaining for a while before Conrad developed that pattern. Cornette is the only one in the business who knows how to do a podcast right; he actually draws. Both heat and money.

>not everything is politics.
>Foley became very unpopular online due to him acting like a fag
Sure bro

'potential' anyone can be be a crash test dummy. shut up fatty

Kek go outside sometime kid.

KEK its true Renee is a bigger draw

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Nah he’s only got 9k subs. That’s pathetic.

Mr Kennedy/Ken Anderson

>Foley became very unpopular online due to him acting like a fag
Source? Only Any Forumstard-boomers that should not be on Any Forums in the first place hate based Foley.

Austin, Undertaker, Flair, Jericho, Benoit, Punk, Bryan.

>based Foley

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So what does he say?

Dutch's new one is pretty good but I only listen to clips, no idea what the full thing is like. KI100 can be good if they go in on a subject, but they jump around a lot so it's best to listen to when you're kind of preoccupied. Booker T can be alright as background stuff because they sometimes jump on a good topic hard but other than that it's just goofing around or (recap event) 'this could be good if they do it right, we'll see'.