Claims to be vegan

>claims to be vegan
>has a move called cattle mutilation

Attached: daniel-bryan-retire.jpg (800x500, 37.58K)

That's the point. The move, in his mind, is supposed to remind us of how cattle suffer, except it fails to do so because it is a shittier version of a double underhook

Meanwhile Based Big Guy renamed this to the Plant Based Meathook when he made the switch

Attached: meathook.gif (446x251, 3.13M)


>Claims to be vegan
>Loves eating cock
Very interesting.

What did he know!?





poor cryan

Nash was raped

well yes - he's putting you through tremendous pain like you do to millions of cattle every time you order a burger

Bryan was raped

Darren Young put him through tremendous pain by GAPING and RAPING him.

geez louise

Dear oh dear

He hasn't been a vegan in many years due to an onion allergy

oh my heavens

Do people here not know what cattle mutilation is?

ill be posting that comment again