I know 92posters and NuWolfie are gonna try to shit up this thread but whatever. For real...

I know 92posters and NuWolfie are gonna try to shit up this thread but whatever. For real, why did Nash freak out over the "Big Daddy Bitch" line? Rock has a long history of calling people a bitch in his promos, nobody else ever freaked out about it. Also, Nash was a heel during this, what's wrong with the face getting a cheap pop at his expense? In the end he wasted over 10 years ranting about the Rock to whoever would listen to him and even he now realizes it was a waste of time and apologizes to Rock.

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Who cares? Bryan Danielson was raped.

straight facts

poster count didn't go up

He is a mark for himself

But enough about BIG DADDY BITCH

oh snap!

Wtf whose the tall guy behind Scott???

bloody hell


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based and truthpilled

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In WCW they were used to being the "cool heel" and burying the babyface with no revenge or payoff.

Just mad that he couldn't get one over on Rock because Rock was not only bigger at the time but also probably didn't even see it as a big deal. Just his character, who would definitely say something like that, saying something like that. Nash can dish it out but can't take it, much like everyone in the Kliq aside for X-Pac who never cares kek


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Any Forums has jumped the shark

Any Forums was never good
kek what a bitch

Kek btfo wolfnigger

dear oh dear
bloody hell
geez louise!

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>46 x 2 = 92


>neo-Wolfie is half the man that 92 posters are

As per Melt-

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall showed up several hours late to the Smackdown tapings in Ottawa and the first thing Nash did upon arrival was complain loudly to anyone who would listen about Rock calling him "Big Daddy Bitch" the night before on Raw, saying Rock double-crossed him and Nash hadn't approved that line. Considering all the times Nash went against the script in WCW, needless to say, there were lots of rolled eyes at that. Especially after showing up late also. To make it up to him, during the tag match on Smackdown, they had a spot where Nash yelled "Who's the bitch now?" at him and Michael Cole made sure to bring attention to it on commentary so nobody missed it, so now they're even and now everything is okay I guess. Dave says Nash and Rock smoothed things over between them later because Nash is smart enough to know that making an enemy of The Rock isn't in his best interest. But he was extremely pissed about the line.

Yep, this. Nash was mad about not being scripted to have a comeback, but in actuality he was just mad about the shoe being on the other foot. He buried the shit out of Terry Funk in early 2000, way worse than Rock did him.
