I'm putting this on here because some times this is the best way to reach guys. I'm happy Keith Lee got a title. I think putting any title on Keith improves it. He is super talented and has a lot to offer. But Keith needs to stop coping that WWE was wrong for the reasons they let him go. He needs to stop thinking that he knows better and that he doesnt need to change. Keith you need to lose weight. There are a lot of people that feel the same way and won't say to your face because they're either fake and two faced or love you and are scared to hurt your feelings. They're both as bad at this point. It is effecting your perfomance in ring and more importantly it's affecting your health outside of it. Considering what you went through I would hope you would see that you're not invincible and that losing the weight could have a huge impact. Stop fucking lying to yourself and put the work in because the work is nothing you cant do. You're beyond being out of shape Keith. You're not healthy.

Attached: Screenshot_2021-04-17-keith-lee-Google-Search.png (400x300, 246.43K)

Queef Pee kek

>I'm happy Keith Lee got a title
I'm not because he fucking sucks

Attached: slimed.jpg (864x868, 96.86K)

Don't listen to this body shaming bigot, you're beautiful at any size.

Dear Keith,

You're a fat nigger who sounds like he picked up a thesaurus for the first time.

Even if he lost weight he'd still be an obnoxious pretentious nigger who got raped by a girl

Don't do that. Don't virtue signal this guy because it makes you look like a good guy. You're actively encouraging and enabling him to stay unhealthy. This is not an aesthetic thing and that is how he spun the WWE shit. This is health.

Shut up you racist chud. We've had enough of you telling us what to do for 400 years and it's time you checked your privilege and shut the fuck up. Eat what you want King, enjoy yourself, you look great.

Hope Queef Pee gets a dancing mukbang gimmick and shoot dies in the ring

You're not black for one. Stop larping. Second this has nothing to do with race. This has everything to do with Keith not dying young and having a long healthy life. I get it you dont care about these guys. They're things to laugh, complain and shit on because you're bored in your life and jealous of theirs and you have no connection to them other than what you see on TV and social media. Keith is a real guy and he is super talented and a great person. He is also incredibly unhealthy at this point. All of that is possible but it doesnt have to be.

You're a concern troll. Keith is fine.

>You're a concern troll.
I'm fine being labeled that if it means he gets the message and it makes him healthier. I don't care to score points and seem like a good guy, because if my friend dies no one is going to be tallying up those points.

I don't even need to run a search to know that you got this from reddit

And you sound like youve never picked up a book.

>my friend
I say this with all sincerity, stop larping

Bullying works, faggot. Maybe if you were bullied in your youth instead of being coddled and had your every delusion catered to by your retarded parents, perhaps you wouldn't have hacked your genitalia off and replaced it with a gaping axe wound that bleeds constantly and reeks of hot bins and faeces. Just a thought...

Depends on what kind of book you are referring to. Pic related should be read by every nigger (or at least those who are literate)

Attached: noi books.png (1280x720, 373.37K)

i love keith lee

i’ve basked in his glory since i first saw him at an evolve show in 2017

that being said he looks like shit right now. he moves like someone out of shape. he should have taken sometime off to work on conditioning.

Kek What A Gassed Bitch

As an AEW fan, I wish Keith Lee would fuck me.

>As an AEW fan, I wish Keith Lee would fuck me.